adlnet-archive / 3D-Repository

The ADL 3D Repository is a website for uploading, finding, and downloading 3D models.
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JSON link does not work on search results #13

Closed AustinMontoya closed 11 years ago

AustinMontoya commented 12 years ago

When viewing a search results page from a link on the "Contributors" tab, clicking on the "JSON" icon seems to always return an empty array.

Also, a 500 error is received when the search term contains spaces (maybe they need to be URL encoded?)

rchadwic commented 12 years ago

The API does not support search by contributor, so you'll see null results where the GUI shows some results. Probably we need a standard advanced search string format shared by both. I'll look at URL encode of terms.

rchadwic commented 12 years ago

Hey, Austin. That really you?

AustinMontoya commented 12 years ago

Why yes it is. I would have taken a crack at a pull request, but I don't currently have a good Windows machine to build/run the 3DR :-(. I really want to work to swap out Fedora or provide an alternative repository solution (maybe a document store or flat files?) at some point...

wegrata commented 11 years ago

The original version used flat files, shouldn't be hard to dig through the old SVN repo to find the code. Fedora really isn't all its cracked up to be.

AustinMontoya commented 11 years ago

Thanks Walt. I'll give it a shot when I get around to loading up a Win7 VM at home.

wegrata commented 11 years ago

Yeah you really only need to do a new implementation of

mickmuzac commented 11 years ago

I just wanted to note that this issue has been fixed.