adlnet-archive / 3D-Repository

The ADL 3D Repository is a website for uploading, finding, and downloading 3D models.
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Installer fails #19

Open jamesbrownonca opened 11 years ago

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

System is Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise on a standalone network. I have Java SE Development Kit 6.0 update 27 installed. The installer fails when it reaches downloading fcrepo-installer-3.5.jar. The server does not have Internet access. Is there a standalone installation process?

rchadwic commented 11 years ago

I do believe there is an option in the installer to skip the Fedora install, but you'll have to set it up manually before running the 3dr install. It may even detect an existing Fedora Commons install and skip that step. You'll have similar problems with a few other dependencies, including MySql.

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

Hello again. Thank you for the response. I did a manual installation of doNet 4.0, VCredist_x86.exe, MySQL, jdk-6u33-windows-i586.exe, created a database fedor3, sucessfully installed fcrepo-installer-3.5.jar in c:\Program Files(x86)\java\jre6\bin, created the systems environment variables, ran the 3DR_setup_0.3.2.exe and chose custom installation and unchecked the already install components. Installation completes. When I brows to http://localhost\3DR I am present with the 3D repository site ( http:\localhost/3DR/Public/RecoverDatabaseConnection.aspx ). I can connect the MySQL at the cmd prompt. Any ideas as to how to correct the DB connection?

rchadwic commented 11 years ago

Hey James,

Sounds like everything went well, but the manual install of the database means that the setup scripts did not run. You should find a Setup.sql under the install directory in the 'database' folder. Can you run this script against your database? Also, when the database connection fails, you'll need to use the original admin credentials that you entered during the installer. If you can't find these, they're located in the 'web.config' file that the installer created.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 1:25 PM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

Hello again. Thank you for the response. I did a manual installation of doNet 4.0, VCredist_x86.exe, MySQL, jdk-6u33-windows-i586.exe, created a database fedor3, sucessfully installed fcrepo-installer-3.5.jar in c:\Program Files(x86)\java\jre6\bin, created the systems environment variables, ran the 3DR_setup_0.3.2.exe and chose custom installation and unchecked the already install components. Installation completes. When I brows to http://localhost\3DR I am present with the 3D repository site ( http:\localhost/3DR/Public/RecoverDatabaseConnection.aspx ). I can connect the MySQL at the cmd prompt. Any ideas as to how to correct the DB connection?

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Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

Hi Rob,

Thank you again for your assistance. I ran the Setup.sql and I used the original admin credentials that I entered during the installer and I am still getting http:\localhost/3DR/Public/RecoverDatabaseConnection.aspx. the show databases command lists: information_schema 3dr apikeys fedora3 mysql performance_schema test This tells me that the Setup.sql ran fine.

rchadwic commented 11 years ago

Yeah, that looks good. Are you sure you are providing the right username and password, and IP for the SQL server? That recovery console will change the values in the web.config connection string, but you may want to change them manually just to check. Also, the recovery console will pop up whenever there is a connection error, so it could be the credentials or the IP or port of the MySQL server. Here's a proper connectionstring for example:

<add name="postgreSQLConnectionString" connectionString="Driver={MySQL

ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=3dr;User=root;Password=;Option=3" /> <add name="APIKeyDatabaseConnection" connectionString="Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=apikeys;User=root;Password=;Option=3" />

You may also need to install the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver, although I think that the installer packages that in, so it should have installed.

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:02 AM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

Hi Rob,

Thank you again for your assistance. I ran the Setup.sql and I used the original admin credentials that I entered during the installer and I am still getting http:\localhost/3DR/Public/RecoverDatabaseConnection.aspx. the show databases command lists: information_schema 3dr apikeys fedora3 mysql performance_schema test This tells me that the Setup.sql ran fine.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

Hi Rob,

It was the MySQL ODBC drivers. Windows Server 2008R2 is obviously a 64bit platform. So I installed the 64bit ODBC driver, didn't work. Then I remembered having similar issues with migrating other web applications to W2K8R2 because of the 64 bit ODBC drivers. Once I install the 32 bit ODBC drivers it work just fine. Thanks again for your help.



rchadwic commented 11 years ago

Hey James,

That's great news. I'm glad to hear you got it working. I should warn you that the most recent installer is getting a bit old, and you'll be missing a lot of the features you see on our live site. You should be able to pull the code off GitHub, but it will be a bit of a chore to upgrade. Let me know if you'd like any help with that, or if it's pressing, we can see about building a new installer.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 8:57 AM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

Hi Rob,

It was the MySQL ODBC drivers. Windows Server 2008R2 is obviously a 64bit platform. So I installed the 64bit ODBC driver, didn't work. Then I remembered having similar issues with migrating other web applications to W2K8R2 because of the 64 bit ODBC drivers. Once I install the 32 bit ODBC drivers it work just fine. Thanks again for your help.



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Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

Hey Rob,

Help with upgrading would be great! Even if it is just a point form walk through of the steps. That would be fantastic. I may have been premature on all is good. When trying to login with the original admin credentials I setup, I receive "Invalid credentials. Try again." error. Did I miss something? One more question. Are there any sample models that can be loaded into the 3D repository? If son, where would I get them?



rchadwic commented 11 years ago


The ASP application should create the default user account in the database from the info in the web.config file. This happens when the application starts, so if you just got the database working but have not restarted started the webserver, the ASP application has not yet created the default admin account. I recommend restarting the web server. Please let me know if this does the trick. Also, be sure to check the credentials in the web.config, just in case.

Do you mind my asking about your interest in the 3DR? We're not doing much development currently , but I would be happy to press off an installer for the most recent version. It will take me some time, as I'm pretty busy at the moment, but it does eventually need to be done anyway.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 10:43 AM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

Hey Rob,

Help with upgrading would be great! Even if it is just a point form walk through of the steps. That would be fantastic. I may have been premature on all is good. When trying to login with the original admin credentials I setup, I receive "Invalid credentials. Try again." error. Did I miss something? One more question. Are there any sample models that can be loaded into the 3D repository? If son, where would I get them?



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Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

Hi Rob,

Restarted the server. I copy and pasted the admin account details out of the web.config file with no luck. Still receiving Invalid credentials. Try again.

I am interested in the 3DR, because I work for a partner organization of the ADL and we would like to get an instance stood up on our corporate network to allow for sharing of 3D models across the country. We are really just starting to kick the tires of the system, so to speak.

rchadwic commented 11 years ago


Well, I'm about out of ideas on that. I'll fire up a VM and see if I can replicate your issue. You might search around the web.config for a field called "GenerateDefaultAdministratorOnApplicationStartup", and check that it's set to true. You can also check the 'Users' table manually to see if the username is being inserted. One thing to note: if you happened to use the setup.sql from the github site, and not the one that came with the installer, that would cause all sorts of problems. I'll try a manual setup of that version and get back to you.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:50 PM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

Hi Rob,

Restarted the server. I copy and pasted the admin account details out of the web.config file with no luck. Still receiving Invalid credentials. Try again.

I am interested in the 3DR, because I work for a partner organization of the ADL and we would like to get an instance stood up on our corporate network to allow for sharing of 3D models across the country. We are really just starting to kick the tires of the system, so to speak.

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Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago


I searched the web.config for a field called "GenerateDefaultAdministratorOnApplicationStartup", and it is set to true.

I ran a query on the 3dr database users table(select * from users). It returned Empty set (0.23 sec). I ran the setup.sql that came with the installer. At a bit of a loss right now.

rchadwic commented 11 years ago

I am as well. Sorry, I have not yet run that test, but I'll get back to you sometime tomorrow. Would you care to schedule a phone call to discuss? There must be something we're missing. What happens when you attempt to create a new user account from the login page? On Oct 10, 2012 2:23 PM, "jamesbrownonca" wrote:


I searched the web.config for a field called "GenerateDefaultAdministratorOnApplicationStartup", and it is set to true.

I ran a query on the 3dr database users table(select * from users). It returned Empty set (0.23 sec). I ran the setup.sql that came with the installer. At a bit of a loss right now.

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jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

I created a new account from the login page. It created the account successfully, but it is not approved. There is no email currently setup on the server. I queried the users table again and it returns the only the account I created, no default admin account. What will happen if I rerun the setup.sql script again? I would be happy to discuss over the phone. I can be reached at the number 613-541-5010 x 3953 between 07:00-15:00 EST.

rchadwic commented 11 years ago


How do you feel about 2pm? I can take the morning to try to recreate the issue, and we can discuss after that. I guess then that the database connection is working properly, so it must be something else.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:13 AM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

I created a new account from the login page. It created the account successfully, but it is not approved. There is no email currently setup on the server. I queried the users table again and it returns the only the account I created, no default admin account. What will happen if I rerun the setup.sql script again? I would be happy to discuss over the phone. I can be reached at the number 613-541-5010 x 3953 between 07:00-15:00 EST.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago


2 pm would be fine. The database connection appears to be functioning properly. I am wondering if I ran the setup.sql correctly? I copied the setup.sql from the database folder to the root of the c: drive and from the command prompt in mysql as root I ran:

use 3dr database;

source c:\setup.sql

It ran. restarted IIS, but not default admin.

rchadwic commented 11 years ago


I'm attempting to recreate this issue. Can you tell me which download you used? There are several versions out there.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:42 AM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:


2 pm would be fine. The database connection appears to be functioning properly. I am wondering if I ran the setup.sql correctly? I copied the setup.sql from the database folder to the root of the c: drive and from the command prompt in mysql as root I ran:

use 3dr database;

source c:\setup.sql

It ran. restarted IIS, but not default admin.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

I used this installer. 3DR_setup_0.3.2.exe

rchadwic commented 11 years ago


Interesting update for you. I am able to recreate that behavior. Did you say that you were able to create a user? I'm getting an exception 'the provider encountered an unknown error'. I'm going to blank the machine and try again with the exact MySQL and ODBC Connector that the installer downloads, just to be sure. In the default install, it should have tested good when we released.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:32 AM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

I used this installer. 3DR_setup_0.3.2.exe

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Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012

jamesbrownonca commented 11 years ago

Yes I was able to create a user. I am using the MySQL ODBC 5.2w Driver, ver from Oracle.

rchadwic commented 11 years ago


Here are the download links strait out of the installer. I'll test this again just to be sure.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 12:51 PM, jamesbrownonca notifications@github.comwrote:

Yes I was able to create a user. I am using the MySQL ODBC 5.2w Driver, ver from Oracle.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Rob Chadwick Advance Distributed Learning 703-575-2012