adlnet / xAPI-Spec

The xAPI Specification describes communication about learner activity and experiences between technologies.
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How to properly craft an xAPI statement that represents adding a file resource to an ongoing process? #1105

Open burakkaraceylan opened 1 year ago

burakkaraceylan commented 1 year ago

I am new to xAPI and I am trying to implement it in our e-learning solution. We have a case where we track attendance to a live course. Opened, joined, left etc. verbs are relatively straightforward. However, other verbs are not so much. During a course we can dynamically import new material. For example attendees can import a .ppt file to present. Now I'd like to record this to the lrs. And I have multiple questions about it.

Would appending the relevant meeting activity as a parent in the context activities be enough to state that this resource was added to this activity?

Resource could be one of multiple formats. Ppt, jpeg, mp4 and such. And they will most likely be direct urls to the files themselves. How do I represent these activities? Can direct urls be used as activity definition ids?

I am thinking of using "" as the verb id and "" as the activity definition type. But then what do I use for activity id? Could the absolute url to file be used? If not where to I put the url?

There is also the Attachment object. But if I use it for the details of the file then what do I use as the activity id?

Some more complex examples in the docs would be nice. Thank you!

thomasturrell commented 1 year ago

Since the specification does not cover your use case you are free to do as you please. Choose the verbs (or define new ones) that make sense to you.

As far as I know there isn't a relevant xAPI profile or best practice that covers your requirements. You only need to use a xAPI profile or best practice if interoperating with another system is important to you.