adlnet / xAPIWrapper

Wrapper to simplify communication to an LRS
Apache License 2.0
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No build process for examples? Should I manually install dependencies? #150

Open uglycoyote opened 5 years ago

uglycoyote commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to evaluate this library, and it would be nice if the examples worked out of the box, but when I follow the build instructions, it only builds the minified version of your library, and does not seem put any of the examples or their dependencies in the dist folder.

When I serve the examples folder using python -m http.server, I get error 404's on jquery.min.js, bootstrap.min.js, and bootstrap-toggle.js.

I could go and search those up myself and copy them in to the examples directory manually, but I'm surprised that you don't have a build process which builds the examples, or maybe I'm just misunderstanding how to do that. I did not see anything in the package.json or the gruntfile which mentioned these dependencies. Am I meant to "do it yourself"?

uglycoyote commented 5 years ago

Actually... found the solution. Serving the python -m http.server from the root of the project and then navigating to examples/useWrapper.html works, since the html file tries to load the dependencies from test/libs and dist.

This is a bit awkward though since I want to zip up the useWrapper page as a package file to test on Scorm Cloud or similar service. I could zip up the entire project folder including all of the sources, but it would be nice if the build process would put just the html plus dependencies in one place that could tidily be zipped up, and including a tincan.xml file in with it so that I don't have to write one myself would be great as well.

I'm assuming that any developer who wants to evaluate this is going to be in a similar boat where the first thing they want to do is test that something works with their LMS, so the onboarding process would be improved by having the build system make an uploadable package zip which works with e.g. Scorm Cloud or other LMS system.