admanb / handtracker

A full rails web application that tracks decks of cards.
7 stars 3 forks source link

LOW - Add hand sizes to main game page #2

Open admanb opened 13 years ago

admanb commented 13 years ago

Players should be able to see the hand sizes of all players, though this should be disable-able.

seanmcd commented 12 years ago

Hey, this is a feature I want to see happen. "How many cards does my opponent have available?" is valuable information in some games. How can I help this happen?

admanb commented 12 years ago

I accept pull requests, bribes, and strong suggestions, with likelihood of success in that order...

seanmcd commented 12 years ago

While pursuing the first one, I tried to get this up and running on Heroku. I seem to have run into a thorny dependency issue there. It seems to say "oh no I can't find Rails," which is kind of ridiculous. How did you get that resolved? Google has several results for the general problem, but I want to duplicate your setup since I want to send you a patch, I don't want to create or make you integrate more than I have to.

admanb commented 12 years ago

I'll be damned if I know. I don't remember running into that problem and I don't think I run any gems that would be forcing an install of Rack 1.1.

seanmcd commented 12 years ago

Well, I guess this is where I learn to use git branch and git cherry-pick effectively. I'm pretty sure that combining those cleverly should let me move to Bundler on the branch without needing to send that change to master.

seanmcd commented 12 years ago

Oh for pity's sakes. Apparently Heroku doesn't really support git: the only branch that a Heroku instance cares about, I am hearing, is the master branch. So the careful work that I did to keep "get this working on Heroku" separate from "implement the feature," might have been wasted. That's vexing.