admc / flex-pilot-x

A Selenium IDE Extension for Integrating with Flex-Pilot for Flex Automation
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FlexPilotX and flex explorer #2

Open mariangemarcano opened 13 years ago

mariangemarcano commented 13 years ago

I am having the following issue

Once I have used the flex explorer against an application for example flexstore at http://localhost/flexstore if I have another version of the application for example flexstore at http://localhost/flexstore2 the flex explorer does not work on the latter.

admc commented 13 years ago

How are you navigating to the second application? And did you try turning the explorer off and on? And do you have the same problem with the recorder?

mariangemarcano commented 13 years ago

yes I am having the same problem using the recorder/explorer, it seems it tries to use http://localhost/flexstore app. For example I am doing the following

-- open http://localhost/flexstore2 on firefox
-- open selenium ide and got this on the log

I disabled/enabled flexplilot x and still got this issue.

btw, I can run recorder test against http://localhost/flexstore2 deployed version, the issue is using the explorer & recording new actions.

admc commented 13 years ago

If I could figure out how to repo I bet this explains the problem: * [info] ReferenceError: params is not defined

Can you tell me what version of flexpilotx you are using and what version of firefox? Maybe put the broken flexstore app somewhere public that I can access it?


mariangemarcano commented 13 years ago

I think I am going to review more the issue to provide detail information. My environment is firefox 3.6.11 / latest selenium ide 1.0.7 / latest flex-pilot-x-0.7.0.xpi / windowsxp & windows7 / IIS