admc / wd

A node.js client for webdriver/selenium 2.
1.53k stars 402 forks source link

Update deps and clean a little #591

Closed imurchie closed 5 years ago

imurchie commented 5 years ago

On master:

npm outdated
Package           Current  Wanted  Latest  Location
archiver            2.1.1   2.1.1   3.0.0  wd
async               2.0.1   2.0.1   2.6.2  wd
chai                3.5.0   3.5.0   4.2.0  wd
chai-as-promised    6.0.0   6.0.0   7.1.1  wd
colors              1.1.2   1.1.2   1.3.3  wd
gulp                3.9.1   3.9.1   4.0.1  wd
hbs                 4.0.1   4.0.1   4.0.4  wd
http-proxy         1.15.1  1.15.1  1.17.0  wd
mocha               5.2.0   5.2.0   6.1.4  wd
nock                8.0.0   8.0.0  10.0.6  wd
q                   1.4.1   1.4.1   1.5.1  wd
run-sequence        1.2.2   1.2.2   2.2.1  wd
uuid                3.0.1   3.0.1   3.3.2  wd
yargs               6.0.0   6.0.0  13.2.2  wd

On this branch:

Package  Current  Wanted  Latest  Location
chai       3.5.0   3.5.0   4.2.0  wd
gulp       3.9.1   3.9.1   4.0.1  wd
mocha      5.2.0   5.2.0   6.1.4  wd

The three remaining dependencies are:

admc commented 5 years ago

This is awesome, thanks!!