admc / wd

A node.js client for webdriver/selenium 2.
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Running test suites #621

Open Ynhockey opened 4 years ago

Ynhockey commented 4 years ago

I am asking what might sound very obvious, but I am unable to understand this for WD.js specifically.

I have a test suite where each test can run separately, starting with the browser initialization and until the fin/done() function.

What is the correct way to run these tests sequentially, one after the other?

The instructions for running tests from the command line here on the project's page talk about using Gulp, while on the site it says to use the Makefile, but in both cases it's unclear how to run the tests and what output I'm supposed to get.

Is there something similar to Nightwatch.js where each test can be configured as an object and then run using a dedicated runner script, with the output relevant to which test cases passed/failed, etc.? If not, how should I go about configuring chained tests to run like that?

Any help with this would be appreciated.