admc / wd

A node.js client for webdriver/selenium 2.
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promiseChainRemote do not work #622

Closed meliharici closed 4 years ago

meliharici commented 4 years ago

I can connect to a real device using appium-dekstop from the host working at localhost:8080. I am using exactly the same code which is used in appium-dektop, in a frontend project that will be used on a browser. However, it did not work and I don't know why. Desired capabilities, types and contents of parameters are all the same with the ones used in appium-desktop. Here is the code:

        // desired capabilities are identical with ones used in appium-desktop   
        let desiredCapabilities = {  
            platformName: 'android',
            platformVersion: '6.0.1',
            deviceName: '....',
            udid: '....',
            appPackage: '....',
            appActivity: ....',
            newCommandTimeout: 0,
            connectHardwareKeyboard: true,
            wdNoDefaults: true,
        let host = "";
        let port = "8080";
        let path = "";
        let username, accessKey; // undefined
        let https = false;
        let rejectUnauthorized = false;
        let proxy = "http://...:...@localhost:8080/wd/hub";

        // all parameters and their types are identical with ones used in appium-desktop 
        let driver = wd.promiseChainRemote({
            hostname: host,

         driver.configureHttp({rejectUnauthorized, proxy});


The error is the following: Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): self._qs.unescape is not a function

It gives the error at " driver.init(desiredCapabilities)".

Please help me. Note that the backend side of the project is actively working on localhost:8080.