admin-ch / CovidCertificate-App-Android

CovidCertificate Apps for Android
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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NHS (Scotland) certificate is recognised as invalid #285

Open MichalBryxi opened 2 years ago

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

Few days ago I was solving an issue where Italian covid checker app did not recognise National Health Service (NHS) Scotland covid certificate. Although the United Kingdom (UK) should to my best knowledge have some agreement with European Union (EU) to mutually accept those. That issue has been resolved in the meantime.

Swiss covid checker app also does not recognise NHS Scotland certificate (see attachment). From the little bit of information I could find on the topic my best bet is this part:

If it is a Swiss COVID certificate or another certificate that is compatible with the EU Digital COVID Certificate, the certificate checker will be shown the following information in the COVID Certificate Check app.

And also this article:

Holders of ‘EU Digital COVID Certificates’ (EUDCC) entering Switzerland from countries without a variant of concern can enter without being subject to additional restriction if their certificate contains one of the following: Certificate of vaccination, which is valid in accordance with the following conditions...

Which suggests that EU covid certificates should be accepted in Switzerland. One would hope then that transitively also UK covid certificates would be recognised.

I have to admit that I have no visilibity into whether the legilsation in Swiss law clearly says that UK covid certificates should be accepted or not. But thought someone maintaining this repo might have a better idea and maybe might want to adopt the same patch as the Italian app did.

Note: Although both reside in UK: NHS UK and NHS Scotland are two distinct entities, with two different ways of signing their certs.


goebelUB commented 2 years ago

Afaik Scotland is currently in the process of onboarding to the EU's DCC Gateway. As soon as they publish their signing certificates in the production environment, they will be synced to the national backends. After that, the Swiss app will be able to verify the signature on Scottish DCCs.

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info @goebelUB. Any objections leaving this ticket open until the issue is resolved? Even if it's not directly related to this repo? For the sake of visibility for other folks?

UBaggeler commented 2 years ago

@MichalBryxi GB has finally been onboarded to the EU-Gateway. Can you please re-check your certificate in the COVID Certificate apps of Switzerland? If it does not work, we would be interested in the "kid" (key id) of your DCC to be able to investigate further.

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

@UBaggeler Unfortunatelly no luck. The app is in version 2.7.0, but when I try to scan it it still five me red screen and shouts that the cert is invalid.

Where do I get the kid information from? Sorry not really versed in those things.

MichalBryxi commented 2 years ago

Also this should be stressed again:

Note: Although both reside in UK: NHS UK and NHS Scotland are two distinct entities, with two different ways of signing their certs.