admin-ch / CovidCertificate-App-iOS

CovidCertificate Apps for iOS
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Suggestion: Apple Wallet #55

Open michael-jutzi opened 3 years ago

michael-jutzi commented 3 years ago

It would be amazing if a certificate could be added to Apple Wallet.

botic commented 3 years ago

Implementing this makes 3rd-party-services unnecessary. As much as I trust one of them, having this directly in the app would be preferential to all existing workarounds.

MichaelMrak commented 3 years ago

Please please add Apple Wallet functionality!

rliebi commented 2 years ago

Any update on this?

p-clements commented 2 years ago

This would be a great feature either being made available in the Wallet or by having a dedicated Watch app. Please do consider this enhancement

Christian-Seiler commented 2 years ago

Apple just released iOS 15.1: Verifiable health records

Any chance that this would be implemented?

michael-jutzi commented 2 years ago

@Christian-Seiler This would be the solution to add the certificate into Apple Wallet. The GreenPass App is already using it!

p-clements commented 2 years ago

This would be an ideal solution but will require an update to support the SMART Health Cards specification

chcan21 commented 2 years ago

Where are we on this? Anybody got a timeframe of when this will be implemented?

  1. Either we update to support the SMART health card specification (which is verifiable) OR
  2. We add within app the ability to add to wallet (like Greenpass app).

Number 2 can be done quit quickly.

PhilippeWeidmann commented 2 years ago

I dug a little bit into this issue here is what I found: The Verifiable health records API is currently only available for some countries and Switzerland is not part of those countries.

The app could use PassKit to generate a pass (like the Greenpass app) but the back-end needs to add an endpoint to create them as the passes cannot be generated only on the device.

If someone external implemented this feature would you accept the PR ?

chcan21 commented 2 years ago

Spain and the UK allow the pass to be added to the wallet (not verifiable/SMART system). I think it’s just Passkit implementation?

So clearly this can be done. There are no technical hurdles. So can we get this implemented please? Shouldn’t be that much work.

StephanKonig commented 2 years ago

iOS 15.4 Beta 1 officially supports adding Covid Certs to Wallet, but also says that Certs issued by Switzerland cannot be added yet. Is there finally something going on our side? I hate to have so many Government Apps on my Smartphone!

r-r-liu commented 2 years ago

I've had my Swiss Covid cert in the Apple Wallet (thanks to Green Pass) for some time now, hence also on my Apple Watch. I never show the cert in electronic form, neither on the Watch nor on the iPhone. Instead, I've photo reduced my paper cert, cut out the QR code and tucked it behind my Swiss ID card in the sane plasticine envelope. Wherever needed, I only have to take out the ID card, have the QR code on the back scanned, then turn it over to show the front of the ID card. Still much simpler and much quicker than any hybrid solution.

p-clements commented 2 years ago

The upcoming 15.4 update specifically targets adding EU vaccination certs to the Wallet.

chcan21 commented 2 years ago

EU Digital COVID Certificates issued by Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Cape Verde, North Macedonia, and Palestine currently can’t be verified or added to Wallet. (87243064)

The team (FOPH?) who handles the QR code generation has to update the backend to make it verifiable in the Apple health app then it can be added to wallet. I

  1. I assume this team just develops the Swiss COVID certificate app to display the QR code not generate it or make it verifiable for other apps (Apple health app)
  2. The QR code is generated by the government (FOPH). So they have to make it compatible/verifiable to allow Apple health see it in iOS 15.4.

If I’m wrong here someone jump in.

StephanKonig commented 2 years ago

It is now possible to add the certificate. But how far is it valid to show it in Apple Wallet instead of The Certificate app?

r-r-liu commented 2 years ago

In what form a certificate is presented for validation is not important. It can be presented in paper form, or in the so-called holder app. Only the QR code is important, as it contains all the information that appears in plain text in those other forms, and the QR coded cannot be forged. So, as long as the QR code in the Apple Wallet can be scanned by the Covid Check app or similar such apps, and the person presented the QR code can present the required identification, I see no problem. Whether it is practical to do so, is another matter. When I print my certificate, cut out the QR code, and put it in a plasticine envelop with my ID, I only have to present a single item. Additionally, scanning the “dense” QR code on the tiny screen of the Apple Watch, which sometimes catches reflections, can be hit or miss and can try the patience of somebody who must check many of them in a short time.

lucaboesch commented 2 years ago

Is there an instruction/manual for this action (adding to the wallet)? I couldn't find out quickly how to do this.

r-r-liu commented 2 years ago

@StephanKonig: "It is now possible to add the certificate." Do you mean that this feature has now been implemented in ver. 3.5.0 of the wallet app, or do you mean that the backend has now been modified as indicated by @chcan21 but the feature must still be implemented in the wallet app?