admin-shapestone / bootcamp2-core-java

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Akshay- Fundamentals #9

Open admin-shapestone opened 1 year ago

admin-shapestone commented 1 year ago

) what are the identifiers ) rules to define identifiers *) reserved words

Programs and documentation

AkshayRepalle commented 1 year ago

@admin-shapestone here is the documentation and my answers 1.what is identifiers? A:identifier is noting but a names in java it might be a varieble name,method name,class name,package name,constant name.however there are reserved keywords we dont use it has a identifiers. ex= 2.Rules to define identifiers? A: 1,identifier must have [a-z],[A-Z], numbers[0-9],underscore(_).and dollar ($) 2,identifier should not contain numbers at starting 3, should not have spaces in identifier 4,we don't use reserved keywords as a identifier 3.Reserved words? A: Reserved words are predefined words in java,These words can't be used for anything else because they're predefined. can't use it for method name or class name. there 53 reserved words in java 50 keywords and 3 are reserved literals are (true,false,null) used keywords are 48 ( int,short,byte,long, double,float,boolean,char.....etc) remaining 2 are unused keywords (goto,constant)

admin-shapestone commented 1 year ago

where is the PR link @AkshayRepalle