When trying to delete the thumbnail under Supplementary Files and then saving the package it fails with an error:
Error When saving AASX, an error occurred: While write AASX C:\Users\hmrm\OneDrive - Festo\Documents\Verwaltungsschale\CP-AM-iDRILL2.aasx at \AssetAdministrationShellSDK.cs:line 2386 gave: Not able to delete pending file /thumbnail.jpg in saving package C:\Users\hmrm\OneDrive - Festo\Documents\Verwaltungsschale\CP-AM-iDRILL2.aasx at \AssetAdministrationShellSDK.cs:line 2459
When trying to delete the thumbnail under Supplementary Files and then saving the package it fails with an error:
Error When saving AASX, an error occurred: While write AASX C:\Users\hmrm\OneDrive - Festo\Documents\Verwaltungsschale\CP-AM-iDRILL2.aasx at \AssetAdministrationShellSDK.cs:line 2386 gave: Not able to delete pending file /thumbnail.jpg in saving package C:\Users\hmrm\OneDrive - Festo\Documents\Verwaltungsschale\CP-AM-iDRILL2.aasx at \AssetAdministrationShellSDK.cs:line 2459
To Reproduce