admirhusic / GoodFirstIssueFinder

A simple app which helps you find a good first issue
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Implement Favorites System for Issues #15

Open admirhusic opened 2 weeks ago

admirhusic commented 2 weeks ago


We want to implement a favorites system for issues within our app. This feature will allow users to mark issues as favorites, view a list of their favorited issues, and manage their favorites.

The feature implementation will be divided into phases:

Phase 1: Create Favorite Mechanism

Task Details:

Implement functionality to allow users to mark/unmark issues as favorites. Save the favorited issues in the local storage of the browser. Implement this functionality as a React hook, e.g., useFavorites. Acceptance Criteria:

Users can mark/unmark issues as favorites. Favorited issues are stored in local storage. The functionality is encapsulated in a React hook called useFavorites.

Phase 2: Create Favorites Page

Task Details:

Create a new page that lists all favorited issues. Include functionality on this page to manage favorites (currently only to remove favorites). Acceptance Criteria:

A new page displays the list of favorited issues. Users can remove issues from their favorites on this page.

Phase 3: Add Navigation Item

Task Details:

Create a navigation item that leads to the favorites page. Acceptance Criteria:

A new navigation item is present that links to the favorites page. Additional Notes:

Ensure the user interface for marking and unmarking favorites is intuitive. Follow existing project conventions for coding style and structure.