admirito / gvm-containers

Greenbone Vulnerability Management Containers
85 stars 57 forks source link

No progress on scan #1

Closed Kars-de-Jong closed 4 years ago

Kars-de-Jong commented 5 years ago

I've created a simple "Discovery" scan which scans the internal Docker network, using the "Discovery" configuration. After starting, it scans a few IPs and then it seems to stop. The web interface shows a progress of 1% (I left it running overnight). The logs of gvmd:

gvmd_1            | event target:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h44.54 UTC:4458: Target Internal (b31fea7b-6ddd-4283-9bad-be43735c159b) has been created by admin
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.22 UTC:4518: Status of task  (7f0bfbf9-d914-4f36-b6cf-3ea92b84453b) has changed to New
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.23 UTC:4518: Task Internal - Discovery (7f0bfbf9-d914-4f36-b6cf-3ea92b84453b) has been created by admin
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.31 UTC:4540: Status of task Internal - Discovery (7f0bfbf9-d914-4f36-b6cf-3ea92b84453b) has changed to Requested
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 UTC:4540: Task Internal - Discovery (7f0bfbf9-d914-4f36-b6cf-3ea92b84453b) has been requested to start by admin
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.33 UTC:4544: Status of task Internal - Discovery (7f0bfbf9-d914-4f36-b6cf-3ea92b84453b) has changed to Running

The logs of openvassd:

openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1160: Starts a new scan. Target(s) :, with max_hosts = 20 and max_checks = 4
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1163: Testing [1163]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1162: Testing (Vhosts: 0ff2c0638ddf) [1162]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1164: Testing [1164]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1165: Testing [1165]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1166: Testing [1166]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1167: Testing [1167]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1168: Testing [1168]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1169: Testing [1169]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1170: Testing [1170]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1171: Testing [1171]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1172: Testing [1172]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1173: Testing [1173]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1174: Testing [1174]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.32 utc:1161: Testing [1161]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.36 utc:1162: Finished testing Time : 4.35 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.38 utc:1165: Finished testing Time : 6.36 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.38 utc:1167: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1173: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1172: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1167: Finished testing Time : 6.44 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1173: Finished testing Time : 6.44 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1168: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1163: Finished testing Time : 6.46 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1172: Finished testing Time : 6.47 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1174: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1171: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1169: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1161: Finished testing Time : 6.50 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1168: Finished testing Time : 6.50 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1164: Finished testing Time : 6.50 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1170: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1171: Finished testing Time : 6.52 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1174: Finished testing Time : 6.52 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1169: Finished testing Time : 6.52 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1170: Finished testing Time : 6.56 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-15 14h45.39 utc:1166: Finished testing Time : 6.59 secs

The output of docker-compose top:

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                                        CMD                                    
root   12994   12965   0   mei15   ?     00:00:03   gsad -f --listen= --port=80 --http-only --mlisten=gvmd --mport=9390

UID    PID    PPID   C   STIME   TTY     TIME                           CMD                       
999   2944    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:01:30   postgres: gvmduser gvmd idle  
999   3367    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:00   postgres: gvmduser gvmd idle  
999   5189    5143   0   mei15   ?     00:00:08   postgres                                        
999   6004    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:11   postgres: checkpointer process                  
999   6005    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:18   postgres: writer process                        
999   6006    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:23   postgres: wal writer process                    
999   6007    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:01   postgres: autovacuum launcher process           
999   6008    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:25   postgres: stats collector process               
999   6009    5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:00   postgres: bgworker: logical replication launcher
999   12469   5189   0   mei15   ?     00:00:42   postgres: gvmduser gvmd idle  

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                                  CMD                             
root   2943    12360   0   mei15   ?     00:00:34   gvmd: OTP: Handling scan c866eb97-63ed-4cd7-bebe-ebe9af428fde
root   3337    12360   0   mei15   ?     00:00:00   gvmd: Reloading NVTs                                         
root   3344    3337    0   mei15   ?     00:00:02   gvmd: Updating NVT cache                                     
root   12360   12332   0   mei15   ?     00:01:14   gvmd: Waiting for incoming connections                       

UID    PID    PPID   C   STIME   TTY     TIME                         CMD                    
root   2939   5183   0   mei15   ?     00:00:01   openvassd: Serving /var/run/openvassd.sock 
root   5183   5129   0   mei15   ?     00:00:01   openvassd: Waiting for incoming connections

UID   PID    PPID   C   STIME   TTY     TIME           CMD       
999   5440   5408   0   mei15   ?     00:01:44   redis-server *:0

One thing I also noticed in the gvmd logs was this line:

gvmd_1            | md manage:WARNING:2019-05-15 14h43.31 UTC:4373: Failed to execute /usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync: Failed to execute child process “/usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync” (No such file or directory)

This is probably because this command is not located in the gvmd container but in the openvassd container.

admirito commented 5 years ago

Did you run greenbone-nvt-sync by uncommenting nvt-sync container in the docker-compose.yml at least once? If yes, what is the output of docker exec gvmcontainers_gvmd_1 ls /var/lib/openvas/plugins? It shoud print the name of the downloaded nasl files.

The greenbone-nvt-sync binary is not available in the gvmd container but the openvassd volumes (e.g. /var/lib/openvas which contains the NVTs) should be mounted in the gvmd container.

Kars-de-Jong commented 5 years ago

Yes, I uncommented both entries in docker-compose.yml. I just repeated from scratch this morning. The nvt-sync container ran fine, and the command shows a long list of nasl files. The cert-scap-sync container failed the first time:

cert-scap-sync_1  | dfn-cert-2019.xml
      1,389,110 100%    1.22MB/s    0:00:01 (xfr#20, to-chk=4/25)
cert-scap-sync_1  | sha1sums
          1,193 100%   13.09kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#21, to-chk=3/25)
cert-scap-sync_1  | sha256sums
          1,697 100%   18.62kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#22, to-chk=2/25)
cert-scap-sync_1  | sha256sums.asc
            819 100%    8.99kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#23, to-chk=1/25)
cert-scap-sync_1  | timestamp
             13 100%    0.14kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#24, to-chk=0/25)
cert-scap-sync_1  | 
cert-scap-sync_1  | sent 543 bytes  received 59,166,276 bytes  1,300,369.65 bytes/sec
cert-scap-sync_1  | total size is 59,150,238  speedup is 1.00
cert-scap-sync_1  | rsync: failed to connect to ( Connection refused (111)
cert-scap-sync_1  | rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(125) [Receiver=3.1.2]

Running it a second time did seem to work. Then I had to wait a long time for the downloaded data to be processed:

gvmcontainers_cert-scap-sync_1 exited with code 0
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 08h22.56 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2011.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 08h49.04 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2007.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 08h49.20 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2017.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h03.43 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2018.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h30.10 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2014.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h31.40 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2012.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h33.29 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2013.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h35.11 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2016.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h36.31 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2006.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h36.50 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2005.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h37.04 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2008.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h37.36 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2015.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h38.23 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2003.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h38.27 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2002.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h38.39 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2004.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h38.49 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2019.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h42.18 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2010.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h44.46 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/nvdcve-2.0-2009.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h45.44 utc:389: Updating OVAL data
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h46.46 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/c/oval.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h46.46 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/m/oval.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h46.46 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/v/family/ios.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h46.46 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/v/family/pixos.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h46.46 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/p/oval.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h48.42 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/i/oval.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h48.43 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/v/family/macos.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h48.43 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/v/family/unix.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h48.48 utc:389: Updating /var/lib/gvm/scap-data/oval/5.10/org.mitre.oval/v/family/windows.xml
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h48.54 utc:389: Updating user OVAL definitions.
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h48.54 utc:389: Updating CVSS scores and CVE counts for CPEs
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h49.19 utc:389: Updating CVSS scores for OVAL definitions
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h49.20 utc:389: Updating placeholder CPEs
gvmd_1            | md manage:   INFO:2019-05-27 09h49.27 utc:389: sync_scap: Updating SCAP info succeeded

After that docker stats seemed to indicate everything was done so I connected to the web interface. I think the log entry about not finding /usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync is created when you select "Extras" -> "Feed Status" from the web interface. It also doesn't show the NVTs there, only the SCAP and CERT feeds.

After this I created targets for the Docker network and a Discovery scan and started it. Same result, the scanner sits idle after some very brief activity:

gvmd_1            | md manage:WARNING:2019-05-27 09h53.08 UTC:2860: Failed to execute /usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync: Failed to execute child process “/usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync” (No such file or directory)
gvmd_1            | event target:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.19 UTC:2978: Target Internal (79811743-e3d3-4d28-9026-4c5418014fe9) has been created by admin
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.51 UTC:3042: Status of task  (546debed-a18a-445b-93e0-56a2d6fb54eb) has changed to New
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.51 UTC:3042: Task Internal - Discovery (546debed-a18a-445b-93e0-56a2d6fb54eb) has been created by admin
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 UTC:3060: Status of task Internal - Discovery (546debed-a18a-445b-93e0-56a2d6fb54eb) has changed to Requested
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 UTC:3060: Task Internal - Discovery (546debed-a18a-445b-93e0-56a2d6fb54eb) has been requested to start by admin
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:696: Starts a new scan. Target(s) :, with max_hosts = 20 and max_checks = 4
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:698: Testing (Vhosts: 1d8a7dbdd9b3) [698]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:703: Testing [703]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:700: Testing [700]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:702: Testing [702]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:699: Testing [699]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:704: Testing [704]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:697: Testing [697]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:708: Testing [708]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:710: Testing [710]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:709: Testing [709]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:706: Testing [706]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:701: Testing [701]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:705: Testing [705]
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.55 utc:707: Testing [707]
gvmd_1            | event task:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h57.56 UTC:3064: Status of task Internal - Discovery (546debed-a18a-445b-93e0-56a2d6fb54eb) has changed to Running
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.00 utc:698: Finished testing Time : 4.23 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:707: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:709: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:706: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:700: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:709: Finished testing Time : 6.41 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:707: Finished testing Time : 6.41 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:706: Finished testing Time : 6.42 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:710: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:700: Finished testing Time : 6.44 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:701: Finished testing Time : 6.44 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:697: Finished testing Time : 6.45 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:705: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:710: Finished testing Time : 6.47 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:708: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:703: The remote host is dead
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:705: Finished testing Time : 6.50 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:708: Finished testing Time : 6.52 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:703: Finished testing Time : 6.54 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:704: Finished testing Time : 6.57 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:699: Finished testing Time : 6.57 secs
openvassd_1       | sd   main:MESSAGE:2019-05-27 09h58.02 utc:702: Finished testing Time : 6.61 secs

The command docker-compose top shows this:

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                                        CMD                                    
root   10947   10913   0   10:01   ?     00:00:01   gsad -f --listen= --port=80 --http-only --mlisten=gvmd --mport=9390

UID    PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                           CMD                       
999   6447    10258   0   11:57   ?     00:00:01   postgres: gvmduser gvmd idle  
999   6672    10258   0   11:57   ?     00:00:00   postgres: gvmduser gvmd idle  
999   10258   10209   0   10:01   ?     00:00:01   postgres                                        
999   11007   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:03   postgres: checkpointer process                  
999   11008   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:17   postgres: writer process                        
999   11009   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:05   postgres: wal writer process                    
999   11010   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:00   postgres: autovacuum launcher process           
999   11011   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:03   postgres: stats collector process               
999   11012   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:00   postgres: bgworker: logical replication launcher
999   11217   10258   0   10:01   ?     00:00:02   postgres: gvmduser gvmd idle  

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                                        CMD                                    
root   6446    10640   0   11:57   ?     00:00:00   gvmd: OTP: Handling scan bfee1f75-e470-4b71-bae4-eba982b3ca42             
root   6662    10640   0   11:57   ?     00:00:00   gvmd: Reloading NVTs                                                      
root   6667    6662    0   11:57   ?     00:00:00   gvmd: Updating NVT cache                                                  
root   10640   10572   0   10:01   ?     00:00:05   gvmd: Waiting for incoming connections                                    
root   11211   10640   0   10:01   ?     00:00:00   gpg-agent --homedir /var/lib/gvm/gvmd/gnupg --use-standard-socket --daemon

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                         CMD                    
root   6442    10253   0   11:57   ?     00:00:00   openvassd: Serving /var/run/openvassd.sock 
root   10253   10204   0   10:01   ?     00:00:00   openvassd: Waiting for incoming connections

UID    PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME           CMD       
999   10621   10555   0   10:01   ?     00:00:11   redis-server *:0
andreicenja commented 4 years ago

I've had tasks that ran for single hosts, but failed (got stuck at 1%) when a whole class C subnet was given as target (although it was very sparse, i.e. few IPs actually in use. Fixed by increasing "databases" to 128 in the redis config. Interestingly enough, the previous Openvas version (9) was able to work through the same target with the default 16 databases setting in redis... different redis version, though.

admirito commented 4 years ago

You may want to try again with GVM 11, as I just now updated the repo with it.