admob-google / admob-cordova

Google AdMob plugin for Cordova, Phonegap and Intel XDK ,support ios and android,support admob v1 and admob v2 ,Monetize your html5 app with one javascript line.api is easy to use.
65 stars 50 forks source link

Plugin crashes phonegapbuild #29

Open AbrahamBrookes opened 7 years ago

AbrahamBrookes commented 7 years ago

Hi, I pasted your code into my config.xml: <gap:plugin name="com-admob-plugin" version="5.3.1" source="npm"/> and when I upload to phonegapbuild I get this error: Error - Plugin (or a specific plugin version) not found in external repo: com-admob-plugin@5.3.1": Fetching plugin "com-admob-plugin@5.3.1" via npm Failed to fetch plugin com-admob-plugin - You can fix this here picture: error

if I remove the version property I don't get this error: <gap:plugin name="com-admob-plugin" source="npm"/> But the plugin doesn't work in my app when I compile like that.

RajuShetty commented 7 years ago

Same thing is happening with me also.. It says Unsupported plugin. any solution please?

danthom88 commented 6 years ago

Hey, use

<plugin spec="4.1.15" name="phonegap-admob"/>

You can also leave the spec blank and it auto-generates it, or at least it did for me.