admob-plus / admob-plus

Trustable AdMob Plugin for Cordova, Capacitor, Ionic, React Native
MIT License
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Missing files on cordova example provided #644

Closed ManoloPololo closed 4 months ago

ManoloPololo commented 4 months ago

I have not make it to work but I was paying attention to the example provided for cordova in the folder: admob-plus-master\examples\cordova\www

There is line: <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script> which is pointing to no valid .js file. This lead me to think that I could not make it to work even if I wanted to, because there are errors in the first place.

I just wanted to report it. That is all.

1n3JgKl9pQ6cUMrW commented 4 months ago

The file cordova.js is not needed.

Every Cordova project injects this file during runtime, so what you see in that line of code is just a placeholder.

It has been so for at least 15 years.

When you open the browser console, you'll see a 404 message, since the file is not there yet.

You can solve this by creating an empty cordova.js file, which will be overwritten once the code is compiled.