admsyn / ofxAudioUnit

An openFrameworks addon which makes it easy to work with Audio Units on OSX and iOS
MIT License
120 stars 24 forks source link

iOS #15

Closed damia closed 8 years ago

damia commented 10 years ago


First of all I want to thank you for share this amazing addon. I'm use ofxAudioUnit for my final project in university, and I would it work in iPad. Do you know when iOS will support ofxAudioUnit?

Thank you very much!

admsyn commented 10 years ago

Hey @damia, I'll see if I can get this going soon, maybe in a week or so. The trick, really, are things like the ofxAudioUnitTap and ofxAudioUnitInput since they're more reliant on the sample type (which is different on iOS than OSX).

Can you let me know what you're trying to do in particular? I can see if I can prioritize those features.

Thanks for making an issue about it, I've been putting this off for a while :)

damia commented 10 years ago

Hey @admsyn!!!

One week or so?? this is perfect!! :) I'll present my project on july, so I'm in time. My project is based on elements depending on the position and shape generates a sound, and this sound is modifying. Therefore, the effects would need of ofxAudioUnit class, are Reverb, Delay, LPF, HPF, distort, changeTime...


admsyn commented 10 years ago

Alright that should be doable then. The trickier stuff is the mic input and the DSP stuff, meaning full iOS support will be awhile.

I can port the part of the API that just deals with connecting audio units together, and some wrappers for the onboard iOS audio units.

damia commented 10 years ago

Perfect!! I'll wait for you to finish ;)

Thank you admsyn!

admsyn commented 10 years ago

There's an iOS branch now, but it's not quite done yet. You should be able to compile and run, but you'll need to init the audio session yourself. Going to get back to this soon, but this is at least a starting point :)

dferrandizmont commented 10 years ago

admsyn, thank you for importing this addon to the iOS!

admsyn commented 10 years ago

So at the moment it looks like the basics of the addon are working, in that you can play files and connect audio units into chains. You'll need to add audio session managing code in your, as described by mrgasparov on the forum

// Setup audio session
AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:nil];
damia commented 10 years ago

thank you @admsyn!

admsyn commented 8 years ago

Going to close this. iOS "works", but I think a full-featured port is out of the scope for this addon, unless there's some external contribution.