adnene-guessoum / implementing_Han_et_al_2019

paper reproduction RL for HFSP
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Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Deep Reinforcement Learning #1

Open 9527xuejie opened 1 year ago

9527xuejie commented 1 year ago

thanks for your sharing,how to solve Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Deep Reinforcement Learning?like DQN

adnene-guessoum commented 1 year ago

hi, I am in the process right now. I am just thinking about it as a bit of a side project. The authors seem to have used a simple q learning algorithm and have similar results to a genetic algorithm approach. I will go back to this repository in a couple of weeks probably. I think that DQN might be the next step to try out.

feel free to complete my code if you have the time, i left it hanging and it is not very pretty yet.

interesting stuff i think.