From Module-Servers created by LaraHuzjan: CodeYourFuture/Module-Servers#130
Coursework content
Use ChatGPT or another AI tool to prepare for job interviews. You can use this video for guidance on how to do so, and the suggested AI prompts are also listed below.
Find one job posting that you are interested in.
Do the first 4 steps that you see in the video:
Get common questions that might be asked
What questions can I expect to be asked in a job interview for a [[title]] position at [[company]] and what skills should I highlight in my responses? Use the job description below for reference: [[paste your job description here]]
Get good answers to potential interview questions
Can you help me answer these interview questions?
Have ChatGPT give you feedback on your answers
Can you give me feedback on my answers to this question? How can I improve? QUESTION: [[interview question from above]] ANSWER: [[ your answer or copied from above]]
Get interview tips
What are some high-level tips for a job interview for a [[xxx]] role?
Save your information
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Practice for future job interviews.
How to submit
Take a screenshot of your feedback tips received by the AI tooland post them on your ticket.
From Module-Servers created by LaraHuzjan: CodeYourFuture/Module-Servers#130
Coursework content
Use ChatGPT or another AI tool to prepare for job interviews. You can use this video for guidance on how to do so, and the suggested AI prompts are also listed below.
Find one job posting that you are interested in.
Do the first 4 steps that you see in the video:
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Practice for future job interviews.
How to submit
Take a screenshot of your feedback tips received by the AI tooland post them on your ticket.
Anything else?