adobe-dmeservices / custom-metadata

The home for a Custom Metadata Panel extension for Creative Cloud
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It seems CEPHtmlEngine hangs up c/o Bridge custom metadata panel extension. #26

Open ny-native2017 opened 1 year ago

ny-native2017 commented 1 year ago

Spinning wheel window trying to “Open View Editor” "default"

Mac OS 10.14.6 / Bridge 2021 / just downloaded ext. today

I’ve installed the custom metadata panel extension for Bridge and when I press the Settings button in that panel I'm given two choices one of which is the “Open View Editor” and below it I select default and then a new window opens with a spinning circle and just gets stuck permanently. I later got a system message that this process is stuck…

High CPU usage due to CEPHtmlEngine

Thanks in advance for any help.


High CPU usage due to CEPHtmlEngine (Bridge Custom Metadata Panel

cwd / txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Helper txt /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.WDeGDZEL txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/en.lproj/locale.pak txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef_100_percent.pak txt /usr/share/icu/icudt62l.dat txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/icudtl.dat txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef.pak txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef_200_percent.pak txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef_extensions.pak txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/devtools_resources.pak txt /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/ txt /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelKBLGraphicsVAME.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelKBLGraphicsVAME txt /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelKBLGraphicsVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelKBLGraphicsVADriver txt /usr/lib/dyld txt /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework 0 /dev/null 1 /Users/paul/Library/Logs/CSXS/CEPHtmlEngine10-KBRG- 2 /Users/paul/Library/Logs/CSXS/CEPHtmlEngine10-KBRG- 3 /Users/paul/Library/Logs/CSXS/CEPHtmlEngine10-KBRG- 4 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/icudtl.dat 5 ->0xdf975f385c61fe43 6 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/en.lproj/locale.pak 7 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef.pak 8 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef_100_percent.pak 9 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef_200_percent.pak 10 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/cef_extensions.pak 11 /Applications/Adobe Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Embedded Framework.framework/Resources/devtools_resources.pak 12 /dev/urandom 13 /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/ 14 count=0, state=0x12 15 count=0, state=0x12 16 ->0xdf975f385c61ff0b

bnickila-adobe commented 1 year ago

Hey @ny-native2017 , thank you for reporting this issue. The default configuration json gets created in macOS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions on a Mac. Is it possible that you don't have admin access to that location? Are you able to create a new configuration under "Open tab management"?

Either way, we'll look into, and hopefully resolve, the issue you're having. Thanks again!

ny-native2017 commented 1 year ago

Hi Brian,

Thanks for replying. I should have admin access across the board. I was able to open tab management, so let me see if I can get to where I need to be that way.

I don’t have CEP, only this… CEPServiceManager4 - it contains 4 folders, nothing that seems rated to this extension.



ny-native2017 commented 1 year ago

Besides the tech glitch I wrote about earlier I should mention another anomaly. When I go to CMP settings I see the attached screen, nothing about JSON or a slot to plug-in a URL. I should also mention my goal which is this… since I work in a video environment the fact that Dublin Core is built into Adobe Premiere makes that schema more attractive than Bridge’s default IPTC. So I'd like to use the custom metadata panel to short list a handful of useful fields from Dublin Core.

In the YouTube overview video there is no mention of Tab Management, nor do I see it mentioned in the GitHub manual. However there is lots about the View Editor that I am not able to open. Please advise.

Thanks and advance for any help


Bridge Custom Metadata Panel - Settings (no URL slot or JSON prompt

bnickila-adobe commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the insight. Soon, we'll be introducing the functionality of the panel in Premiere Pro. Hopefully we have these kinks worked out by then.

In the meantime, from the screenshot you provided, you can click on Open Tab Management..." and click Create New like in my screenshot below. You can then choose "Load Example Data" where you'll see an option for Dublin Core. You can do this, or you can create one from scratch.

Please let me know if you run into any issues with this.

MicrosoftTeams-image (14) MicrosoftTeams-image (15)

ny-native2017 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Brian, when I select "Create New" as instructed I get a big grey window with a spinning blue circle that is stuck just was it was with “Open View Editor” If I can get past this jam I think I might be off and running with what you suggested