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invalid forward reference to function '__cxa_atexit' with wrong type #20

Closed cbakgly closed 10 years ago

cbakgly commented 10 years ago

Description: When generating abc code of libc++, llc prompts error at below line for thread.cpp: %7 = tail call i32 @cxaatexit(void (i8)_ bitcast (void (%"class.std::1::thread_specificptr")_ @_ZNSt3121thread_specific_ptrINS_15__threadstructEED1Ev to void (i8)_), i8* bitcast (%"class.std::1::__thread_specific_ptr"* @_ZZNSt3119thread_local_dataEvE3__p to i8*), i8 0) nounwind

By comparing to the prototype: int __cxa_atexit( void (f)(void ), void p, void d)

It seems the generated code wrongly passes the 3rd argument where it should be a i8*. Meanwhile the gen'ed bitcode targeting x86 is correct.

I haven't found the root cause yet. Looking forward to your solution and contribution. :D

Steps: 1 get the latest codebase 2 make all (two extra libs will fail now.) 3 make libcxx 4 make

cbakgly commented 10 years ago
