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A bunch of linux fixes #25

Closed stopiccot closed 10 years ago

stopiccot commented 10 years ago

A bunch of fixes to make crossbridge much more linux friendly. Still fails while building tr target. Feel free to share your opinion about code changes.

stopiccot commented 10 years ago

As for me I've tested it on Ubuntu 13.04, Debian 6 and CentOS 6.2. On all this distroes I've built crossbridge it up to tr target. Some dependencies needed to build crossbridge include: java (not jre but full jdk because javac is needed), flex, bison, libuuid, texinfo. On ubuntu 13.04 (haven't tested on other versions) I also installed libc6-dev-i386. Could you post your 10.04 build log for more info?

As for os-specific makefiles I actually was looking in completely opposite direction ;) I think one generic unix environment makefile would be easier to maintain. For example current way of building windows version seems not logical to me at all. Why we couldn't just build it on windows with cygwin with same makefile instead of crosscompiling from OS X with os-specific one?

P.S. I'll try to test building on 10.04 when I get fee time for it

cbakgly commented 10 years ago

Alright, I will try it with other OS. Possibly I missed some lib needed for building llvm on linux. The log seems useless with just a line of segment fault following its normal outputs: scanning dependencies for target clangAST.

One for all is great. And the makefile was indeed a single section for both mac and cygwin. On the other hand, it's quite tough to maintain the code across different environments when more libs are coming in.

stopiccot commented 10 years ago

I've tested on Ubuntu 10.04.4 server. Everything builds fine after installing dependencies I mentioned before. Btw I just recalled that I have similar issues when building process crashed with kill 9. In my case that was caused by too small amount of system memory (that was a 512Mb VPS with MySQL+Nginx already running on it). Maybe you have same problem.