adobe-fonts / source-han-sans

Source Han Sans | 思源黑体 | 思源黑體 | 思源黑體 香港 | 源ノ角ゴシック | 본고딕
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Add HK/TW glyph for Big5 characters #492

Open NightFurySL2001 opened 3 months ago

NightFurySL2001 commented 3 months ago

Referenced from Serif reported in item B4, B7, B8, B14, B15, B17. Items mentioned in other issues are not included here.

Some new glyphs might be needed as mentioned in the Serif issue, namely 竧榳誔敜潸躲.


Note: 榳誔 is mentioned in #327. Since CN/HK are opposite a new glyph will be needed. (unless the G3/G5 source is considered out of GB18030 scope, then the current glyph should be renamed as TW/HK and no glyph will be needed for CN)