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Restore some v1 essential regional CJK glyphs #174

Open Marcus98T opened 1 year ago

Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: Please see this post for the definite list of restoring CN/TW glyphs. JP and KR posts will remain here for the time being.

While checking the Japanese JIS Level 1 and Level 2 kanji list, I found some Chinese characters for which they had appropriate locales in v1, but in v2 they were removed (probably by mistake) and now mapped to the wrong locale (with the wrong glyph shapes), and that they need to be restored (or created from scratch).

The parts circled in red are inappropriate for the locale and the parts circled in green are what is supposed to be appropriate for the locale.

Missing CN glyphs

渠 (U+6E20) - Appears in Table of General Standard Chinese Characters, GB2312 (these first two standards are essential to Simplified Chinese) and GB12345 (PRC basic Traditional Chinese list). Also a Big5 Level 1 (commonly used) character, but there is already a TW and a HK glyph. 熙 (U+7199) - Appears in Table of General Standard Chinese Characters, GB2312 and GB12345. Also a Big5 Level 1 character, and the HK glyph does not suit the Taiwan locale, so restoring the CN glyph would also be good for the TW locale (as pictured in the BiauKai font). 肅 (U+8085) - Appears in GB12345. Also a Big5 Level 1 character, so it should also be appropriate for the TW locale (as pictured in the BiauKai font). 葉 (U+8449) - Appears in GB12345. Also a Big5 Level 1 character, but there is already a TW and a HK glyph. 跚 (U+8DDA) - ~Appears in Table of General Standard Chinese Characters, GB2312 and GB12345. Also a Big5 Level 1 character, but there is already a JP glyph, uni8DDA-JP, suitable for TW/HK.~ EDIT: Upon further investigation, there is a mismapping of the CN glyph to the uni8DDA-JP glyph. The JP variant glyph suitable for CN, uni8DDAuE0101-JP, is still there, but is unfortunately not mapped to CN presumably by mistake. Suggest to remap to the variant glyph instead.

Low-priority glyphs

犱 (U+72B1) - Does not appear in any PRC, ROC or HK basic standards, only GB18030, however, due to CN showing a slightly different shape from JP, a new CN glyph would be needed (a CN glyph did not appear in v1). However, because this is a rare character and the fact that glyph space is somewhat limited, I do not believe that creating a new CN glyph would be of any benefit for now.

Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 22 48 47 Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 22 56 10

Here is 熙 and 肅 in BiauKai font for the TW locale as reference.

Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 22 52 49

Missing JP glyphs

嚠 (U+56A0) 樌 (U+6A0C) 鬯 (U+9B2F)

These are JIS Level 2 Kanji and are part of Adobe-Japan1-6. Please restore 嚠 and 樌, but do not replace the CN glyph. As for 鬯, a new JP glyph would be needed as v1 never had it.

Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 22 23 48
Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

In addition to this, there are a few additional characters that would probably need to have the v1 CN glyph restored; prioritise those characters that are either in Big5 Level 1 or GB12345.

瀟 (U+701F) - Appears in Big5 Level 1 and GB12345. 貰 (U+8CB0) - Appears in Big5 Level 2 (less commonly used) and GB12345. EDIT: Also please adjust the JP glyph because it looks like one long vertical stroke when the leftmost vertical stroke of 世 touches the leftmost vertical stroke of 貝. 覬 (U+89AC) - Appears in Big5 Level 1 and GB12345. 顗 (U+9857) - Appears in Big5 Level 2. 鰈 (U+9C08) - Appears in Big5 Level 2 and GB12345.

Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 23 37 43 Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 23 38 50
Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

I have found some Korean KS X hanja glyphs using the CN form in v2, and the appropriate glyphs (except two of them) appeared in v1. Please restore them.

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 02 32 52

亐 (U+4E90) 嗠 (U+55E0) 娿 (U+5A3F) 婲 (U+5A72) 峀 (U+5CC0) 嶪 (U+5DAA) 曓 (U+66D3) 朌 (U+670C) (UPDATE: Alternatively, this character can be shared with 肦 (U+80A6), see issue #190) 欌 (U+6B0C) 蜵 (U+8735) 霌 (U+970C, v1 marked in yellow, explained below) 霦 (U+9726) 駏 (U+99CF, v1 marked in yellow, explained below) 騘 (U+9A18)

However, there are some things to note:

For 霌 (U+970C), the v1 JP glyph should be restored, but must be modified such that the vertical stroke in 周 does not cross over the bottom horizontal stroke. The JP and KR form of the top 雨 component has serifs on the four horizontal strokes, while the CN form does not, which is why I ask to restore and modify 霌 for KR (and also map it to JP).

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 02 27 54

UPDATE: Ken Lunde did mention in 2017 that a new KR glyph was planned to replace the outgoing JP glyph, but that did not happen as Adobe instead chose to use the CN glyph in v2, which for reasons above is pretty unfortunate.

A new KR glyph for U+970C 霌 needs to be added, and the JP glyph can be removed.

I also have some doubts regarding 駏 (U+99CF).

For 駏 (U+99CF), normally the Adobe-KR-9 reference shows it with the Japanese shinjitai form of 巨.

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 02 37 41

However, for component consistency sake (I mentioned it before), it should be mapped to TW form instead, because the other 巨 characters follow the TW form in KR. So do not restore the v1 JP glyph and instead remap the character to TW for JP and KR.

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 02 24 52

I recommend to restore 騘 (U+9A18), but I must note that the angle of the strokes in 心 should be unified first across all regions, preferably to the JP form. So I suggest to replace the CN glyph with the restored v1 JP glyph.

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 02 26 28
Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

It seems I have found quite a lot of removed CN glyphs with 山 components, for which those are essential to Chinese basic character standards. The JP form of 山 is incompatible with China's 新字形 and the Taiwan MOE form. This should be investigated and glyphs restored wherever appropriate (along with those I mentioned earlier).

However, for now, I am listing only one because I apparently missed it while checking through the JIS kanji lists.

凱 (U+51F1) - Appears in Big5 Level 1 and GB12345.

Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 22 43 23
Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

Also please restore KSX 1002's 漰 (U+6F30) v1 KR glyph.

First reason: The CN form of 山 cannot be used for KR's traditional orthography standards. Second reason: The JP glyph (also shown for reference) cannot be used for KR because we need consistency with the 朋 component as well.

Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 23 52 54
Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

OK, this post is the ultimate list of CN/TW glyphs to restore for basic Chinese standards. I finally managed to check every single removed CN/TW glyphs that are within those standards that requires restoration or adjustment. Unfortunately I haven't checked other removed CN glyphs as of yet because these lists only pertain to urgently-needed characters.

It also supersedes issue #173, which I closed due to redundancy.

CN glyphs to restore

Big5 Level 1 (common-use character set, 常用漢字)

Unicode Character Notes
U+5141 允 (DO NOT RESTORE) In issue #162, in fact the CN glyph was removed in v2, but the TW glyph will also work for CN.
U+535A 博 (DO NOT RESTORE) In issue #162, in fact the CN glyph was removed in v2, but the JP variant/KR glyph will also work for CN.
U+6E20 This is a GB2312, GB12345 and Tongyong character.
U+701F There are separate TW and HK glyphs, but it's part of China's GB12345 Traditional standard and must be restored.
U+7199 This is a GB2312, GB12345 and Tongyong character. Also restoring the CN glyph will make it suitable for TW use.
U+76BA Supersedes issue #173
U+7C2B There are separate TW and HK glyphs, but due to this request to unify the 竹 component, suggest to restore CN glyph and remove the TW glyph. The HK glyph will also need to be adjusted.
U+8011 耑 (DO NOT RESTORE) Suggest to create a new CN glyph by directly adjusting from the JP glyph instead, keep the JP-designed 而 as per issues #130 and #156
U+8085 There is a separate HK glyph, but it's part of China's GB12345 Traditional standard and must be restored, which will also make it suitable for TW use.
U+8449 There are separate TW and HK glyphs, but it's part of China's GB12345 Traditional standard and must be restored.
U+856D There are separate TW and HK glyphs, but it's part of China's GB12345 Traditional standard and must be restored.
U+865B There is a separate TW glyph, but CN standards require that the JP glyph must not be used and therefore the CN glyph must be restored.
U+8DDA While there is a JP glyph suitable for TW/HK use, this is a GB2312, GB12345 and Tongyong character, ~so please restore the v1 CN glyph.~ EDIT: Apparently there is a glyph named uni8DDAuE0101-JP that is unfortunately mapped to uni8DDA-JP for CN in v2 by mistake.
Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 17 51 58
So I suggest to please remap to this variant glyph instead for CN. No wonder why I was unable to find a glyph called "uni8DDA-CN".
U+9112 Supersedes issue #173
U+9853 顓 (DO NOT RESTORE) Suggest to create a new CN glyph by directly adjusting from the JP glyph instead, keep the JP-designed 而 as per issues #130 and #156
Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 23 31 21

LEGEND Red - Do not restore Yellow - Create a new glyph by adjusting from the JP glyph instead Dark green - Region appropriate glyph Green - Safe to restore Cyan - Region appropriate glyph, but suggest that this be removed in favour of the CN glyph. Magenta - Adjust glyph

Big5 Level 2 (less commonly used character set, 次常用漢字)

Unicode Character Notes
U+7153 煓 (DO NOT RESTORE) Suggest to create a new CN glyph by directly adjusting from the JP glyph instead, as well as adjusting the TW glyph; keep the JP-designed 而 as per issues #130 and #156
U+7293 Supersedes issue #173
U+8E5D I think the glyphs must be misnamed. Suggest to restore the v1 "CN" glyph which is more likely to be based off Kozuka Mincho as attached in this picture and replace the current "JP" glyph. The detail at the right 歨 part of the character is circled, and it looks better and more consistent this way.
Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 20 09 02
U+97A2 There is a separate TW glyph, but please restore the CN glyph for HK use as well.
U+9C08 There is a separate TW glyph, but please restore the CN glyph for HK use as well.
U+9C50 There is a separate HK glyph, but please restore the CN glyph for TW use as well.
U+9DB5 Supersedes issue #173
U+9DEB There is a separate HK glyph, but please restore the CN glyph for TW use as well.
Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 20 36 43

LEGEND Red - Do not restore Yellow - Create a new glyph by adjusting from the JP glyph instead / Adjust the TW glyph so that the 而 part follows the JP-style Dark green - Region appropriate glyph Green - Safe to restore


Unicode Character Notes
U+771E This character is likely more associated with JP and KR standards than Chinese standards. If there is space, restore the CN glyph.
U+7BC5 篅 (DO NOT RESTORE) Suggest to create a new CN glyph by directly adjusting from the JP glyph instead, keep the JP-designed 而 as per issues #130 and #156
U+9FC8 If there is space, restore the CN glyph to comply with GB18030 standards.
U+9FCA If there is space, restore the CN glyph to comply with GB18030 standards.
U+9FD0 If there is space, restore the CN glyph to comply with GB18030 standards.
Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 22 47 48

LEGEND Red - Do not restore Yellow - Create a new glyph by adjusting from the JP glyph instead Magenta - Restore if there is enough glyph space.

To comply with GB18030 standards

The following 3 characters are part of Big5 Level 2.

Unicode Character Notes
U+6F7F 潿 This character is also in GB12345
U+7BD8 It may be possible to replace the TW glyph with the restored CN glyph, see this request to unify the 竹 component.
Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 20 24 08

LEGEND Green - Safe to restore Cyan - Region appropriate glyph, but suggest that this be removed in favour of the CN glyph.

Table of General Standard Chinese Characters (通用规范汉字表, Tongyong)

At this point, these two characters need new CN glyphs because of the 而 design issue, but I am listing them for reference.

Unicode Character Notes
U+732F 猯 (DO NOT RESTORE) Suggest to create a new CN glyph by directly adjusting from the JP glyph instead, keep the JP-designed 而 as per issues #130 and #156
U+8168 腨 (DO NOT RESTORE) Suggest to create a new CN glyph by directly adjusting from the JP glyph instead, keep the JP-designed 而 as per issues #130 and #156
Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 17 02 23

LEGEND Red - Do not restore Yellow - Create a new glyph by adjusting from the JP glyph instead

TW glyphs to restore

Unicode Character Notes
U+4F22 伢 (Maybe don't restore) This character is in Big5 Level 2. EDIT: I did not see that there is a similar looking HK glyph, so now I suggest that it can also be mapped to the TW locale without needing to restore the TW glyph, whichever looks nicer or is easier.
Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 05 43 46
U+86A9 This character is in Big5 Level 1
Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 20 24 15

LEGEND Green - Safe to restore

EDIT: Corrected errors on the HKSCS and Big5 Level 1 section. EDIT 2: Added Tongyong section and corrected notes about 跚 (U+8DDA).

Marcus98T commented 1 year ago

Forgot about the Tongyong characters, so I updated the previous post again, but it's better that these two characters, 猯 (U+732F) and 腨 (U+8168), will need new CN glyphs instead of restoring the v1 CN glyphs.

Marcus98T commented 10 months ago

This issue has been ignored, and I don't know why. There are missing regional glyphs needed for regional compliance and no action has been taken so far. Not even a simple remap back to uni8DDAuE0101-JP for the CN locale for 跚 (U+8DDA), which was supposed to be the case when Serif was at v1.

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 04 45 35

Only the JP glyph for 岸 (U+5CB8) has been restored as of v2.002, but simply because it's been reported way earlier than this issue date of 16 February 2023, so action was taken for that one.

I can only hope this issue can be taken seriously and addressed in the next release of Serif, probably a major version.