adobe-fonts / source-han-serif

Source Han Serif | 思源宋体 | 思源宋體 | 思源宋體 香港 | 源ノ明朝 | 본명조
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Consolidation of Glyph Sharing Suggestions #38

Open kenlunde opened 7 years ago

kenlunde commented 7 years ago

This issue is meant for tracking and submitting suggestions for glyph sharing changes that result in glyphs no longer being necessary. Any such changes in Version will be implemented via mapping changes, and the unused glyphs will be targeted for removal as part of the Version 2.000 update. Issues that were submitted before this consolidation issue was opened are referenced by issue number.

Note To Self: I have not yet checked this report and after.

hfhchan commented 7 years ago


U+81EC CID 34088 is nearly the equivalent to CID 34089.

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

image U+6DE6 24166 === 24165

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

image U+6DFC 24211 = 24212

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

image U+6E23 (JP) 24272 === 61621

kenlunde commented 7 years ago

@hfhchan: uni6E23-JP (CID+61621) and uni6E23uE0101-JP (CID+24272) are intentional duplicate glyphs that shall remain for Adobe-Japan1 IVD collection compatibility.

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

@kenlunde should they be mapped to the same CID though? as they look nearly identical

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

image U+6EA3 24499 === 24498 (latter of which is likely to be going away as it is outside the scope of JP subset)

kenlunde commented 7 years ago

@hfhchan: About U+6E23 渣, the duplicate glyph shall remain for reasons already stated. Derivative implementations are free to do what they choose.

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

image U+6EB4 24531 === 24530

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

@kenlunde: Ah, sorry I had not realized (until just now) that since GSUBs are done on a glyph basis, separate glyph IDs have to be maintained to make sure glyphs for IVD don't get substituted away. Sorry for the churn

hfhchan commented 7 years ago

image No observable difference exists for the JP and CN variants of U+62FF and U+6301.

kenlunde commented 7 years ago

@hfhchan: Noted. The CN glyphs for U+62FF 拿 and U+6301 持, uni62FF-CN and uni6301-CN, respectively, will be removed in Version 2.000.

jimmymasaru commented 7 years ago

Glyphs for 猪, uni732A-CN and uni732A-JP can be shared.

tamcy commented 7 years ago

In this report, CN implies TW unless explicitly mentioned.

View image ![sharable1](
旦 (U+65E6) : CN = JP
昧 (U+6627) : CN = JP
暖 (U+6696) : CN = JP
暴 (U+66B4) : CN = JP
曝 (U+66DD) : CN = JP
本 (U+672C) : CN = JP
杖 (U+6756) : CN = JP
枳 (U+67B3) : CN = JP
桓 (U+6853) : CN = JP
橙 (U+6A59) : CN = JP
沁 (U+6C81) : CN = JP
淪 (U+6DEA) : CN = JP
瀑 (U+7011) : CN = JP
異 (U+7570) : CN = JP
的 (U+7684) : CN = JP
瞠 (U+77A0) : CN = JP
秘 (U+79D8) : CN = JP
而 (U+800C) : CN = JP
蜀 (U+8700) : CN = JP
鴆 (U+9D06) : CN = JP
黴 (U+9EF4) : CN = TW

Some entries are with doubts:

As a side note, I found that the KR version of the typeface (which serves a more traditional form of Traditional Chinese characters) more "smooth" to read than the TW version. Despite the glyph difference to comply with regional standard, I found that a number of CN-glyphs tend to push the glyph's 重心 (weight center?) downwards, which I suspect is one of the causes. Refer to 昧,曝,瀑,瞠,秘 in the this reported issue for some obvious examples. But I'm not in the position to comment on this professional matter, I believe it worth further investigation by a more authorized entity.

tamcy commented 7 years ago
徒 (U+5F92) : CN = JP
走 (U+8D70) : CN = JP
赴 (U+8D74) : CN = JP
起 (U+8D77) : CN = JP (*TW ≠ CN)
超 (U+8D85) : CN = JP
趖 (U+8D96) : CN = JP
View image ![sharable2](


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tamcy commented 7 years ago


挑 (U+6311) : CN = JP
桃 (U+6843) : CN = JP
矽 (U+77FD) : CN = JP
hfhchan commented 7 years ago

For 矽 (U+77FD), the TW glyph can be replaced with the JP glyph, while the CN glyph kept for CN only.

It is typical design that the 夕 is widened at the top in CN locales. This is similar to the problem with 多 I reported earlier.

Explorer09 commented 7 years ago

U+4E0D (不): Two glyphs have identical strokes. Can consider merging. (Or is there any reason to have this minor positioning difference?) U+574F (坏): Likewise. U+4E15 (丕): If Source Han wishes to follow the TW MoE glyph (note 1), just like in U+4F3E (伾) and U+576F (坯), then at least be consistent. Let the vertical stroke barely touch the horizontal base. note 1: (丕 Number 100013)

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Marcus98T commented 5 years ago

Remove the JP glyph for U+6EA3 溣, uni6EA3-JP.

I suggest you remove the CN glyph instead because the JP looks aesthetically better, then map the JP glyph to the CN, TW and HK locale.

Edited my comment because I was a bit rude earlier, but my suggestion remains intact. My apologies.

kenlunde commented 5 years ago

@Marcus98T Thank you. We'll take this under advisement.

lapomme commented 4 years ago

The CN glyph for 博 can be replaced with the KR glyph. image (KR left, CN right)