adobe-fonts / source-han-serif

Source Han Serif | 思源宋体 | 思源宋體 | 思源宋體 香港 | 源ノ明朝 | 본명조
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How To Use It In AutoCAD #69

Closed chywu closed 6 years ago

chywu commented 6 years ago

I love this font , but It seems that AutoDesk AutoCAD supports TTF fonts only . Do you have a TTF version , or How can I make a TTF version ? Thank you !

kenlunde commented 6 years ago

While we have no plans to develop/deploy TTFs, and go here to see how you can do it yourself. cc @be5invis

be5invis commented 6 years ago

@chywu I suggest you just to download the prebuilt, since building SHS-TTF from OTFs need a really good computer. (I used server clusters...)

kenlunde commented 6 years ago

@be5invis This person is asking about Source Han Serif, not Source Han Sans.

be5invis commented 6 years ago

@kenlunde @chywu For SERIF you can simply:

otfccdump xxx.otf | otfcc-c2q | otfccbuild -o xxx.ttf -O3 -s --keep-average-char-width

This is much faster but no hinting data.

chywu commented 6 years ago

I'll try it , Thank you all .

Explorer09 commented 6 years ago

I thought a quick Googling will save you all the trouble of asking. Well, someone has built a TTF version for you, unofficial, of course:

chywu commented 6 years ago

Yes , Google is a great tool , but unfortunately Google cannot be connected here. I used but it did not give me the right answer . Thank you @Explorer09 . I am downloading that version .

Pal3love commented 6 years ago

As a alternative solution, I have losslessly converted all the Source Han fonts into TrueType format with UPM 2048 and full-range subpixel anti-aliasing rendering:

@Explorer09 @chywu

You can simply download and try it :-)

Explorer09 commented 6 years ago

@Pal3love Thank you of all your afforts, however, how are you sure that your conversion is lossless? I mean, doesn't TrueType support only quadratic Bézier curves, while OpenType support cubic Bézier curves (Type 1 outlines) and it's mathematically impossible to convert cubic Bézier to quadratic without loss.

Beside the question, I would like to see all the Source Han TTF conversion projects to work together :).

be5invis commented 6 years ago

@Explorer09 The difference is below the resolution (1/2048 em).

Explorer09 commented 6 years ago

@be5invis I would not count that as lossless, but almost lossless, with losses below the designed font resolution. Consider this: Even the designed resolution is 2048 units per em, there are still use cases where the differences could matter. Take large signage (where a character might be printed with more than 2 meters in length, and the millimeter differences are observable), for example.

Pal3love commented 6 years ago

You are right, @Explorer09 . In its essence, my project is almost lossless. However, I have minimize the difference within 1/2048 em and I believe such a difference is much negligible compared to the deviation from typography design to its implementation. Under special circumstances such as printing huge posters on which every single character is up to 2 meters width, we can definitely take advantage from the original version if absolute precision is strictly enforced.