When we generate PDFs with Apache fop the character “A” makes problems. When we copy the text from the PDF, the character “A” isn’t there. Its’s another unusable sign.
In our example the text in the PDF is: “AUTOR: äöüßÄÖÜ”
When we copy and paste the text it is: “UTOR: äöüßÄÖÜ”
In our example we used
source-sans-pro (regular), but the problem is the same in all the other fontstyles
Can you tell me more information on how this PDF was made?
I cannot reproduce this issue when exporting PDF from InDesign, the problem may arise what your PDF making software.
When we generate PDFs with Apache fop the character “A” makes problems. When we copy the text from the PDF, the character “A” isn’t there. Its’s another unusable sign. test.pdf In our example the text in the PDF is: “AUTOR: äöüßÄÖÜ” When we copy and paste the text it is: “UTOR: äöüßÄÖÜ”
In our example we used source-sans-pro (regular), but the problem is the same in all the other fontstyles