adobe-photoshop / generator-core

Core Node.js library for Adobe Photoshop CC's Generator extensibility layer
MIT License
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using flite with non-integer padding causes error #383

Open zimag opened 7 years ago

zimag commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to save a .jpg with with padding via flitetranscoder?

When I am using convert the padding is nice white, but when I switch to flite ( useFlite: true in the settings object ) the following error appearing:

generator.savePixmap(); > Error with convert's STDIN: Error: write EOF

Shall I try to eliminate transparecy first by modifying pixmap with JavaScript?

I can't find the documentation of flitetranscoder.exe. What are the command line arguments?

Thank You!

Update: I have the cause of the error: the padding value must be integer. Seems like ImageMagick rounding the value for itself, while flitetranscoder exiting with error.