adobe-photoshop / spaces-design

Adobe Photoshop Design Space
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Enabling Guides or Smart Guides in DS after turning off Extras in standard PS fails/errors #3604

Closed chadrolfs closed 8 years ago

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

open Vermillion in standard PS View > (uncheck) Extras (or hit cmd+ h) Enter DS View > Show Guides

Result: Action documents.toggleGuidesVisibility failed: Error: Photoshop returned an error when playing command number: 1 Photoshop code: -25920 Photoshop message: error: -25920 message: The command “Set” is not currently available.

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

relates to #3480

baaygun commented 8 years ago

If extras are hidden, trying to show guides in PS fails by NotAvailable error. This will require core work, or us to turn on extras at all times (which will also require core work as there doesn't seem to be a setter for extrasVisible flag)

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

Also related to a crasher PS-1032

iwehrman commented 8 years ago

Kicking this out of the sprint milestone because it's blocked on core work.

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

In the current build, this puts you into an unrecoverable state. Turn off Extras in standard PS, enter DS, try to enable Smart Guides and Guides You end up in an unrecoverable state and can't return to standard PS. You have to force quit and risk losing unsaved work.

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

try this: start in PS standard, create a new doc (iphone 6 template) View > (uncheck) Extras enter DS View > Show Guides View > Show Smart Guides Result: you're now in unresponsive state

ktaki commented 8 years ago

That happens only when the sampler tool was selected when the Show Guilds command was executed. For other tools, the error seems not to affect on the state. Also, you need to turn off Extras explicitly in standard Ps and switch to Ps. This might be a rare case. When Ps is non-open doc state, opening a doc or creating a new doc will turn on Extras automatically. This is the case in the DS mode also.

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

Hmmm, doesn't seem isolated to sampler tool for me. I get into a bad state with default Select tool.

ktaki commented 8 years ago

Have you tested with the current master? I see the bad behavior with the current pg-dev build as is, but not with the master.

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

Yes, I ran 'grunt compile' and replaced the www/src in the pgdev.1185 build but I also replaced the info.plist file as well.

ktaki commented 8 years ago

OK. I can repro with compiled sources. Interesting thing is that unless those two commands ran consecutively, things seems fine, but once they do, tons of errors are generated, and it is fatal.

chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

Yep, glad you can repro. It is definitely a corner case but because there is the potential for users to lose work, it should be fixed.

ktaki commented 8 years ago


chadrolfs commented 8 years ago

using pgdev.1258 on mac and master @ 5c94d744

Enabling one, enables both

(with existing doc open) Turn off Extras in standard PS, enter DS, View > Show Guides Result: both Show Guides and Show Smart Guides are now enabled