adobe-research / theseus

A pretty darn cool JavaScript debugger for Brackets
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Please port to Sublime #4

Closed ericelliott closed 11 years ago

ericelliott commented 11 years ago

I'm loving Brackets, but it still has a ways to go before I can really replace Sublime with it. I'd love to see a port.

alltom commented 11 years ago

I can point anyone who wants to take this on to all the relevant resources to make it work. I'd love for it to happen. It wouldn't take much ambition for anyone who is already familiar with extending Sublime (I'm not).

node-theseus (the tool you use to run Node.js apps under Theseus) listens for WebSocket connections and just turns them into method calls on the global tracer object from the fondue instrumentation library. With the connection in place, getting information about hit counts, and querying the call graph, is about as simple as in fondue's README. The protocol is simple, but undocumented (hence, my offer of pointers :).

I understand there are already Sublime extensions using the Chrome Remote Debugging API. The Brackets extension uses Runtime.evaluate and Runtime.callFunctionOn to communicate with the tracer object in JavaScript in Chrome.

adrocknaphobia commented 11 years ago

@dilvie: We'd love to see you contribute to Brackets rather than spend time porting innovations like theseus to closed-source apps. In your opinion, what's missing?

ericelliott commented 11 years ago

Adam - I love open-source as much as the next guy. I'm all for making Brackets a better tool, too. That said, I can't really complain much about my experience with Sublime. It has served me very well, and continues to serve me well, and I don't mind paying for it. I love its easy editing features, and I have a ton of great extensions for it.

Since you asked for it, here are my top brackets pet-peeves:

adrocknaphobia commented 11 years ago

@dilvie Thanks for the list. Nothing here is a surprise and multiple cursors is definitely the big one we're all missing. We use CodeMirror in Brackets (as opposed to ACE) which doesn't natively support this. We're going to have to roll up our sleeves and contribute it to CodeMirror before it gets surfaced in Brackets. The other features are fairly minor (heck, a simple display: none will hide the toolbar if its really bothering you).

As far as extensions go, we an agile team that builds small pieces of functionality then iterates. We're smack in the middle of an epic around Extension Management ( The current workflow if far from ideal or complete.

FWIW The goal of the Brackets project isn't to replace Sublime (or any other editor). Our focus is on providing a sandbox where anyone can experiment with ideas like Theses. Ideas that originate in Brackets but end up in other editors is how we measure success. So we'd rather spend our time building new cool shit rather than porting ideas.

ericelliott commented 11 years ago

I don't expect Adobe to spend time porting innovations like this to Sublime instead of working on making Brackets rock, but it's still a useful project for those of us who still need to be productive today. Right now, I'm still more productive in SublimeText than Brackets. Mostly because of multiple selections / multiple cursors, and slowness, instability, and general bugs in Brackets. I filed a couple bug tickets yesterday.