adobe-research / theseus

A pretty darn cool JavaScript debugger for Brackets
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Unable to debug in Brackets #6

Closed kmatheeswar closed 11 years ago

kmatheeswar commented 11 years ago

Hi, I am using WIndows and unable to debug in Brackets.

I have installed Theseus and copied brackets-theseus to extensions/user directory. After that i installed node-theseus using -g option run my app using node-theseus instead of node.

But still i couldn't debug my files and not getting code coverage etc.,

Am i missing in something?

alltom commented 11 years ago

It doesn't seem that you're missing anything. I'll test the build next time I'm at my Windows machine. Sorry it didn't work out-of-the-box.

alltom commented 11 years ago

You were lucky enough to submit your ticket just before my thesis was due, so it unfortunately fell through some cracks. I then moved across the country and I'm waiting on access to another Windows machine.

Is it possible that you have a firewall that prevents the WebSocket from Brackets from connecting to node-theseus? It attempts a connection on port 8888.

alltom commented 11 years ago

I just tested on a computer running Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 and had no problem debugging Node.js scripts using the steps you described. Does anything show up in your Brackets developer console (Debug > Show Developer Tools)?

MannyC commented 11 years ago

I was also having trouble on W7. It started working although I'm not entirely sure why.

FWIW, when it wasn't working it didn't seem to be giving me much to go on. For instance, it would have been nice if the node-theseus part gave me debugging info so I knew Brackets was connecting to it etc. There were a lot of messages in the dev tools window but nothing jumped out at me.

alltom commented 11 years ago

Sorry about that. node-theseus 0.0.8 adds much more logging (--theseus-verbose and --theseus-verbose=2) that covers just about everything it does. :) That ought to give enough information to diagnose future problems.

Revlin commented 11 years ago

I'm also on Windows 7 and not seeing any response what so ever, other than new options under the 'File' menu, once theseus has been installed in Brackets. Let me start by saying I'm really unclear about the instruction in the "Usage..." sections of the README. There are seperate sections for Node.js and Chrome, as if you would be using one or the other. Further more the Chrome section does not say anything about Chrome, but rather tells what options to select in Brackets. Maybe you can give me a quick break down based on what I'm trying to do...

I'm using Brackets in combo with an HTTP server. My project settings in Brackets are to serve files from 'http://localhost:80/'. In the 'File' menu options, I've selected 'Live Preview', 'Enable Theseus', 'Mode: Serve files from disk'. I start up Brackets, navigate to my HTML file, then hit the Live Preview button, which starts up Chrome. The project shows up in Chrome, then I look back at Brackets, specifically at the embedded javascript or the files that were included with script tags, and I don't see any action by theseus. Should I?

Here's some seemingly relevant output from the Brackets dev tools:

[StaticServer] Failed to connect to node ["Unable to load one of the modules: C:/Users/revlin/AppData/Roaming/Brackets/extensions/user/theseus/proxy/ProxyDomain"] Agent-chrome.js:202
(anonymous function) Agent-chrome.js:202
f.Callbacks.n jquery-1.7.min.js:2
f.Callbacks.o.fireWith jquery-1.7.min.js:2 jquery-1.7.min.js:2
NodeConnection.loadDomains NodeConnection.js:345
f.Callbacks.n jquery-1.7.min.js:2
f.Callbacks.o.fireWith jquery-1.7.min.js:2
NodeConnection._receive NodeConnection.js:422
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded /C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/Brackets/www/extensions/default/JavaScriptCodeHints/thirdparty/tern/lib/infer.js:1
[StaticServer] Timed out while trying to connect to node Agent-chrome.js:187
(anonymous function)
alltom commented 11 years ago

"Unable to load one of the modules" suggests that your Theseus installation may be corrupt. There was a race condition that caused Brackets Sprint 24 (and earlier?) to randomly corrupt extensions containing subdirectories if you attempted to install them using Brackets' "Install Extension" UI. Theseus creates its menu items early during initialization, so it can appear to be working even when some of its files fail to load. Could you try 1) upgrading to Brackets Sprint 25 and reinstalling Theseus, or 2) if you can't upgrade, installing the extension by downloading the zip file and copying the 'theseus' folder into your extension directory manually?

As for the README, I'd love to make it more clear if I could better understand the confusion. You can use Theseus to debug JavaScript running in Node.js, JavaScript running on a web page in Chrome, or both. The procedure for each is slightly different. Brackets already has a feature for interacting with web pages opened in Chrome called Live Development. The Chrome section of the Theseus README tells you what options to set for Live Development to work with Theseus on your project. After setting the options (as it seems you did), triggering Live Development will open the web page in Chrome and also activate Theseus. Does this explanation help, or is the issue something else?

Revlin commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. Since the debug info from theseus does not display in Chrome, but in Brackets, and Chrome already has a set of debugger tools, and apparently debugging Node.js has nothing to do with Brackets (or does it?), my suggestion is that you change "Usage: Debugging JavaScript in Chrome" to "Using Theseus in Brackets".

I'm using Brackets "sprint 25 experimental build 0.25.0-7701" and I installed Theseus by downloading the zip file because I read somewhere else that the extensions downloader in Brackets was buggy. I'll try again from scratch and see if that helps.

alltom commented 11 years ago

All of the debugging happens in Brackets. The JavaScript being debugged can be running in Node.js or in Chrome.

Did you use the zip file linked in the installation instructions, or the zip file GitHub makes of the repository? (Only the first one will work.)

MannyC commented 11 years ago

Perhaps "Debugging JavaScript running in Node.js" and "Debugging JavaScript running in Chrome"?

or even "Debugging JavaScript that's running in Node.js" and "Debugging JavaScript that's running in Chrome"?

Admittedly I wasn't confused on this issue.

alltom, I can't be the first to ask, but any thoughts to adding execution times?

alltom commented 11 years ago

This issue's comment thread is getting a bit unwieldy, but what do you mean by "adding execution times"?

MannyC commented 11 years ago

I suppose at its most basic I mean the time taken to execute the function from call to return.

Revlin commented 11 years ago

@MannyC in other words, code profiling

@alltom Thanks for being so responsive and dedicated to your project, Tom. I'm now updating Brackets to sprint 26 and the first thing I notice is that I had both sprint 24 and sprint 25 installed at the same time. So, I guess it's really important to completely uninstall brackets before installing a new version.

I will also delete as many of the file references to Theseus and Brackets as I can, then download the zip file that you linked to here before starting over...

So, now that Brackets is installed and working, I've downloaded the theseus-0.2.13 zip file. I open Brackets and click "Help > Show Extensions Folder". This opens a directory somewhere in my Users...AppData path showing two subdirs, 'disabled' and 'user'. Close Brackets, then extract the 'theseus' folder from the zip archive to the 'user' subdirectory in 'extensions'. Now I have .../extensions/user/theseus so I restart Brackets. Under the 'File' menu I can see that 'Enable Theseus' and 'Mode: Serve files from disk' have been selected. I pop open the Extensions Manager to double-check and I see 'Theseus for Brackets', '0.2.13 - Tom...'

Time to launch Live Preview with my html file. It opens in Chrome, I can see that the dynamic content is loaded by javascript, so back in Brackets I check out the javascript file. Plenty of JSLint messages, but no sign of Theseus. Incidentally I now launch Live Preview on this js file, I will see text in Chrome, beginning with:


and after a very dense code block, eventually I'll see the text from my script. Is 'tracer' an object from Theseus?

Once again, my developer tools output, but no error msgs related to Theseus:

less: parsed file:///C:/Program%20Files/Brackets%20Sprint%2026/www/styles/brackets.less successfully. less-1.3.3.min.js:8
less: css for file:///C:/Program%20Files/Brackets%20Sprint%2026/www/styles/brackets.less generated in 4439ms less-1.3.3.min.js:8
less: css generated in 4440ms less-1.3.3.min.js:8
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Brackets%20Sprint%2026/www/styles/fonts/SourceSansPro/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf".
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Brackets%20Sprint%2026/www/styles/fonts/SourceSansPro/SourceSansPro-Semibold.ttf".
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Brackets%20Sprint%2026/www/styles/fonts/SourceSansPro/SourceSansPro-Light.ttf".
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Brackets%20Sprint%2026/www/styles/fonts/SourceCodePro/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf".
fsm: -> waitingForApp fsm.js:35
fsm: !! exit [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! enter [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! appReady [] fsm.js:42
fsm: -> disconnected fsm.js:35
fsm: !! exit [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! enter [] fsm.js:42
Theseus Usage Reporting Init 
Theseus Enable 
Deprecated: resizable panels should be created via PanelManager.createBottomPanel(). Using Resizer directly will stop working in the future. 
<div id=​"theseus-panel" class=​"bottom-panel vert-resizable top-resizer no-focus" style=​"box-sizing:​ border-box;​ ">​…​</div>​
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'addType' of undefined extensions/default/JavaScriptCodeHints/thirdparty/tern/lib/infer.js:370
GET  Inspector.js:230
getDebuggableWindows Inspector.js:230
connectToURL Inspector.js:311
doLaunchAfterServerReady LiveDevelopment.js:640
x.extend.Deferred.r.then.x.Deferred.e jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.Callbacks.l jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.Callbacks.c.add jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.extend.Deferred.r.then.x.Deferred.e jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.extend.each jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.extend.Deferred.r.then jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.extend.Deferred jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
x.extend.Deferred.r.then jquery-2.0.1.min.js:4
open LiveDevelopment.js:748
_handleGoLiveCommand main.js:131
onGoLive main.js:170
x.event.dispatch jquery-2.0.1.min.js:5
x.event.add.y.handle jquery-2.0.1.min.js:5
fsm: !! inspectorConnected [] fsm.js:42
fsm: -> waitingForPage fsm.js:35
fsm: !! exit [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! enter [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! gotDocument [] fsm.js:42
fsm: -> initializingTracer fsm.js:35
fsm: !! exit [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! enter [] fsm.js:42
failed to get tracer instance 
fsm: !! tracerConnectFailed [] fsm.js:42
fsm: -> waitingForPage fsm.js:35
fsm: !! exit [] fsm.js:42
fsm: !! enter [] fsm.js:42
Revlin commented 11 years ago

Hmmm, I think I've figured it out. I though it was very odd that activating Live Preview on a javascript file caused the file to be served with the 'tracer' object wrapper from since my project settings used http://localhost:80 and that's where the html files are served from in Live Preview. So, I changed my project settings, erasing the http address so that html files would be served from Bracket's built-in test server. Lo and behold, when I run Live Preview on html files I can now see Theseus output in Brackets.

Lesson learned: on Windows 7, theseus will only work for javascript running in Chrome when the Project Settings server option is NOT set and the 'File' menu option is 'Mode: Serve file from disk'

alltom commented 11 years ago

And thank you for being so persistent!

I just realized that I misunderstood what the project URL setting did. I'll test Theseus with it more to see if I can make it less confusing.

Also, it used to be that if you started Live Development with a JavaScript file open, Theseus hinted to Brackets that it should open the root URL for the project. It looks like that behavior has changed. I will correct Theseus to either fix that or re-enable the "this isn't an HTML file!" warning.

MannyC commented 11 years ago

@alltom yeah, profiling. To be honest, the although I realize now it doesn't mention it on the readme page, because it's recording the execution I had expected it to do profiling to some degree.

alltom commented 11 years ago

Theseus almost collects enough data for that (and could collect enough with small modification). You should open an issue about it since it's going to get lost in this thread.

Revlin commented 11 years ago

Thanks, Tom.

It's a great extension to brackets, the exception messages are very helpful, as well as the invocation counting. I look forward to future updates.

alltom commented 11 years ago

Anyone who still has problems should open new issues so that they can be tracked in a sane way. :)