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`require` es6 modules in actions bundled with Parcel does not work #24

Open moritzraho opened 5 years ago

moritzraho commented 5 years ago

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Steps to Reproduce

  1. npm install node-fetch
  2. replace content actions/hello/index.js with
    const fetch = require('node-fetch')
    async function main (args) {
    try {
    const content = await fetch('')
    return {
      body: await content.json()
    } catch (e) {
    return {
      body: e.message
    exports.main = main
  3. (optional) In scripts/build.actions.js replace minify: true, with minify:false,
  4. npm run build:actions && npm run deploy:actions
  5. click on the action url you should see fetch is not a function

Note 1: node-fetch is exported as an es6 module Note 2: The same action works fine if deployed as a zip action


In the action replace const fetch = require('node-fetch') with const fetch = require('node-fetch').default

icaraps commented 5 years ago

@moritzraho does Webpack have the same issue ? Maybe we can replace Parcel by Webpack for the starter since it's more popular ?

moritzraho commented 5 years ago

@icaraps thanks for your suggestion. Not sure if it works with webpack we need to try this out. I guess that this issue will be solved in parcel eventually. Also before switching we should do some more comparisons on build time and build size.

devongovett commented 5 years ago

I believe webpack would do the same thing unless you changed the mainFields config option to remove module entirely. module takes precedence over main, and therefore .default is necessary if you're using a require. I'd recommend using ES module syntax over require though.
