adobe / aem-cif-project-archetype

Maven template to create new CIF Project AEM projects that follow best practices
Apache License 2.0
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Commerce does not work for a new project based on Archetype 0.7.0 #78

Closed aleksitto-gh closed 4 years ago

aleksitto-gh commented 4 years ago

Expected Behaviour

Actual Behaviour

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

Steps to Reproduce

I tried to add missed library dependency and after that I found that "core-cif-components-apps-0.7.0" requires additional dependency "cif-virtual-catalog-content". After including all missed dependencies all packages were installed correctly and I found the Bind Products item in the AEM Commerce Products console. But now I have another error when I click the "Bind Products" which shows "Unable to compile class for JSP: An error occurred at line: 15 in the generated java file Only a type can be imported."

Exception: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 15 in the generated java file Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 16 in the generated java file Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 29 in the jsp file: /libs/commerce/gui/components/admin/products/bindproducttreewizard/commerceproviderdatasource/commerceproviderdatasource.jsp CatalogDataResourceProviderFactory cannot be resolved to a type 26: <%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp" %> 27: <% 28: // Get data for datasource 29: Map<String, CatalogDataResourceProviderFactory<?>> dataResourceProviderFactories = 30: sling.getService(CatalogDataResourceProviderManager.class).getProviderFactories(); 31: 32: // Build datasource

An error occurred at line: 30 in the jsp file: /libs/commerce/gui/components/admin/products/bindproducttreewizard/commerceproviderdatasource/commerceproviderdatasource.jsp CatalogDataResourceProviderManager cannot be resolved to a type 27: <% 28: // Get data for datasource 29: Map<String, CatalogDataResourceProviderFactory<?>> dataResourceProviderFactories = 30: sling.getService(CatalogDataResourceProviderManager.class).getProviderFactories(); 31: 32: // Build datasource 33: ArrayList resourceList = new ArrayList();

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Platform and Version

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

Logs taken while reproducing problem

mhaack commented 4 years ago

Please create the project with optionEmbedConnector=y option this should help. Or get the CIF Connector all package from and install before deploying the sample project.

aleksitto-gh commented 4 years ago

It works, thanks for the quick response

mhaack commented 4 years ago
