adobe / aem-eclipse-developer-tools

The Eclipse plugin that brings you the full connection to the Adobe Experience Manager, with auto-sync and project creation wizard.
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cq:htmlTag nodes not appearing in eclipse view #18

Closed mikeyhendy closed 9 years ago

mikeyhendy commented 9 years ago

Related to my issue around dialog's (and more importantly with cq:dialog's), creating a node of name "cq:htmlTag" doesn't synch to AEM - Errors out: complaining about a double colon (::) in the node name.

When creating a node of type "nt:unstructured" and name of "_cq_htmlTag", this syncs correctly with a node name of "cq:htmlTag" to AEM, however it doesn't appear inside eclipse. Looking in the project workspace on the filesystem, I can see that it was created as a folder created called "_cq_htmlTag" and inside the folder there is a ".content.xml" file.

I can edit the ".content.xml" file on the filesystem (outside of eclipse) to get attributes into AEM, although obviously this is extremely clumsy... is it possible to get this issue addressed?

rombert commented 9 years ago

The content sync issue has been fixed in the Sling IDE Tooling project ( see SLING-3988: Content Navigator does not show nodes with escaped names ) and will be incorporated in the next AEM Developer Tools public release.

If you'd like to build a fix yourself, please follow the instructions from Sling IDE Tooling - building from source.