adobe / aem-guides-wknd-spa

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About react SSR solution #31

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

I'm trying react ssr solution with adobe io runtime.

when i deploy the application to io runtime (yarn deploy), i got the below message.

$ aio app deploy
> Build actions
ℹ dist/actions/
✔ Build actions

no web-src, skipping web-src build
> Deploy actions
ℹ Info: Deploying package [react-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]...
ℹ Info: package [react-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT] has been successfully deployed.

ℹ Info: Deploying action [react-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ssr]...
ℹ Info: action [react-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ssr] has been successfully deployed.

ℹ Success: Deployment completed successfully.
✔ Deploy actions

no web-src, skipping web-src deploy
Your deployed actions:
  -> https://********** 
Well done, your app is now online 🏄
✨  Done in 8.68s.

but i can't find the action on adobe io runtime console. when i access the action link, I got the below response:

  "code": "sW7elNczo3m6n26FKUHKhg35Srb9Tai2",
  "error": "The requested resource does not exist."

when i want to run the command aio app run --local, i will get below message.

$ aio app run --local
> Local Dev Server
ℹ checking if java is installed...
ℹ checking if docker is installed...
ℹ checking if docker is running...
ℹ downloading OpenWhisk standalone jar from to /Users/*****/aem-guides-wknd-spa-React-ssr-openwhisk/ui.server-side/node_modules/@adobe/aio-app-scripts/bin/openwhisk-standalone.jar, this might take a while... (to be done only once!)
✖ Local Dev Server
    Error: unexpected response while downloading '': Forbidden
error Command failed with exit code 2.

caused by i can't download the openwhisk-standalone.jar file.

how to resolve this?

merly-cortez commented 1 year ago


Having the same issue, did you manage to resolve the issue and how? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.