adobe / aepsdk_flutter

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[Breaking change] Update dispatchEventWithResponseCallback API #94

Closed yangyansong-adbe closed 2 months ago

yangyansong-adbe commented 2 months ago
public static void dispatchEventWithResponseCallback(
        @NonNull final Event event,
        @NonNull final AdobeCallbackWithError<Event> responseCallback) {
        // ...

The above API was removed in the Android SDK 3.0.0 and above. As an alternative, the following API was added to Android SDK.

public static void dispatchEventWithResponseCallback(
        @NonNull final Event event,
        final long timeoutMS,
        @NonNull final AdobeCallbackWithError<Event> responseCallback) {
        // ....

In this PR, the Dart code is updated to use the new Android API.