We're (Telus) unable to find the same instructions for AEP on the website or in this repository. Would the team be able to close this gap? The on-device decisioning would enable us to further improve the response time on our edge workers.
If this feature is only available in the previous Adobe Target API, and not the latest AEP Edge APIs, please let us know. Thanks
Expected Behaviour
Pre-AEP, the Adobe Target SDK offered a feature called
On-device decisioning
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target-dev/developer/server-side/on-device-decisioning/overview.html?lang=en It appears to generate this artifact: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target-dev/developer/server-side/on-device-decisioning/rule-artifact/rule-artifact-example.html?lang=enActual Behaviour
We're (Telus) unable to find the same instructions for AEP on the website or in this repository. Would the team be able to close this gap? The on-device decisioning would enable us to further improve the response time on our edge workers.
If this feature is only available in the previous Adobe Target API, and not the latest AEP Edge APIs, please let us know. Thanks
Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)
Steps to Reproduce
Platform and Version
Sample Code that illustrates the problem
Logs taken while reproducing problem