adobe / aquarium-fish

Your best secure distributed heterogeneous dynamic compute resource manager for CI
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Native driver bugfixes and org improvements #57

Closed sparshev closed 4 months ago

sparshev commented 4 months ago

Fixed multiple issues with Native driver on macos - mostly:

Also a couple of small improvements:

Related Issue

Fixes: #2

Motivation and Context

m1 mac machines is here and it's good to have dynamic envs on them and VMX is much harder to prepare for m1 properly, so native driver could be a good replacement, as well as it should help with VMX images building as well.

How Has This Been Tested?


Types of changes


sparshev commented 4 months ago

Found that on M1 it doesn't want to allow to delete user via dscl even with proper sudoers rules:

Command exited with error: exit status 40: <main> delete status: eDSPermissionError <dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14120 (eDSPermissionError)

So after installation aquarium-fish binary should be added to TCC database /Library/Application Support/ to allow kTCCServiceSystemPolicySysAdminFiles or kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles. Also it could be done through Privacy & Security in MacOS preferences after aquarium-fish started and failed with verification of native driver.
