adobe / asset-share-commons

A modern, open-source asset share reference implementation built on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
Apache License 2.0
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Why does the Asset Share not show all document layers? #87

Open ar80001-BRONGA opened 6 years ago

ar80001-BRONGA commented 6 years ago

Why does the Asset Share not show all document layers for documents that contain layers (for example, InDesign documents, PDFs, etc.)? Our business partners have wondered why the Asset Share does not render these types of documents the same as the core AEM Author product (Assets view) does.

godanny86 commented 6 years ago

hey @artdirk there is a hidden filter on the search page that restricts the search to only return main assets (i.e no sub assets). Should be able to remove the hidden component.

GL369 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @godanny86 we also want to provide the user with the ability to "page" through the sub assets (as in Author which @artdirk mentions). By removing the hidden component will this also enable the control to advance or display sub assets as a grid?

davidjgonzalez commented 6 years ago

@GL369 to be clear, removing the Hidden Predicate that @godanny86 mentioned will allow dam:Assets that are sub-assets to show up in the results; within ASC there are no real facilities for associating all those sub-assets together (along w their parent assets).

In order to page through sub-assets it seems like what youd want is to exclude sub-assets from the main search results, but build a component for the Asset Details page that allows flipping through the sub-assets (if the asset has sub-assets). You'd have to figure out what that UX looks like (could you download sub-assets and their renditions directly? share? add to cart? etc?) ... Basically are sub-assets first-class citizens in your DAM or 2nd-class?

ar80001-BRONGA commented 6 years ago

Hi @godanny86 and @davidjgonzalez, @GL369 and I just discussed this, and we would ideally like documents that contain layers to behave the same when viewing their details in the Asset Share as they do when viewing their details in AEM 6.3 author.

Using a PDF document as an example, when you click on the PDF from the Asset Share search results to view its details you'd be able to either view a thumbnail for all pages (like what you can do in author by selecting "Subassets") or page through the PDF (like what you can do in author by selecting "Pages").

@davidjgonzalez, part of this functionality is exactly what you mentioned above, and we're hoping it can be added to the core Asset Share Commons code by leveraging the AEM 6.3 author code (assuming this is even possible). Thanks!

davidjgonzalez commented 6 years ago

@artdirk i can all but guarantee the AEM Authoring code wont be able to be used in any meaningful way here. The Asset APIs of course will help you find sub-assets, etc. but I think the major facets of this feature will be the custom build out of the components.