adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
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[French]loc: wrong translation:"Send Files to PhoneGap Build" #12

Closed Tania-Jiacomini closed 11 years ago

Tania-Jiacomini commented 11 years ago

Edge Code: sprint 14 experimental build 0.14.0-3883 PhoneGap Extension: downloaded from Github at 9/21

Screenshots: Source: Target:

UI entry : SEND_FILES_MENU_ENTRY,"Send Files to PhoneGap Build","Transférer des fichiers à PhoneGap Build","en_us||osxstring||Brackets||strings_phonegap.ini","fr_FR","LOCALIZED"

Expected: either "Transférer des fichiers vers PhoneGap Build" or, if this is too long "Envoyer des fichiers vers PhoneGap Build"

TM needs to be updated as well

KamilJarocha commented 11 years ago

Fixed in ALF Workbench in id: SEND_FILES_MENU_ENTRY

using the first proposed translation

julieyuan commented 10 years ago

Attached the fixed snapshots which is in build 0.27.0-8254 for tracking bug better: send file