adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
112 stars 52 forks source link

Brackets 28 + PhoneGap white screen on rebuild #52

Closed afwd closed 6 years ago

afwd commented 10 years ago


When I rebuild an application using the extension I get a white screen within the Brackets application. The menu bar is still usable, but the rest of the application is just flat white a constant loading / working mouse pointer on hover.


manuelpaulo commented 10 years ago

Same here!

luizs81 commented 10 years ago

Same here [2]! Looks like adobe has just abandoned this extension, because I can't see any activity from them around here.

manuelpaulo commented 10 years ago

I'm using the last compatible version.

sagarhiremath6 commented 8 years ago

Please let me know what solution you guys got in order to fix this issue.

filmaj commented 6 years ago

Sorry, this project has not been maintained since 2014. As a result, we will archive the project. If anyone feels like reviving it, feel free to fork it!