adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
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[Core][Inline editors]: The close button on code inline editors is misaligned when increase or decrease font size. #54

Closed julieyuan closed 10 years ago

julieyuan commented 10 years ago


  1. Launch Brackets and open default sample folder.
  2. Open index.html file and put the cursor on a tag, like: <h1>
  3. Press Ctrl+E to invoke inline editor.
  4. Press Ctrl++ to increase font size.
  5. Press Ctrl+- to decrease font size.

Result: At step4, the close button is upper than the file name. At step5, the close button is not changed with the font size.

Expected: It should not be misaligned on the inline editor.

Notes: This issue not reproduces for color inline editor.

ENV: MAC10.7.5 and Win8 English OS Build: 0.33.0-9858

Snapshots: Please refer to snapshots for details: Increase font size: 1 Decrease font size: 2

julieyuan commented 10 years ago

Sorry, file this one in the wrong repo. Closing it.