adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
112 stars 52 forks source link

[Core][Installation]: Should not allow to install two PhoneGap extension in Brackets. #60

Closed julieyuan closed 10 years ago

julieyuan commented 10 years ago


  1. Download PhoneGap extension from this URL:
  2. Launch Brackets and click Help > Show Extensions Folder.
  3. Unzip the download zip file PhoneGap and copy it into the extensions/user folder.
  4. Reload Brackets.
  5. Click Extension Manager icon on the sidebar to bring Extension Manager dialog.
  6. Click tab Available and search extension "brackets-phonegap"
  7. Click button install to install phonegap extension from this dialog.
  8. After installation finishing, close the Extension Manager dialog. Then click the two PhoneGap extension icons from the sidebar.

Result: There are two different version of PhoneGap installed in Brackets.

Expected: Should allow only one version of PhoneGap installed in Brackets.

ENV: MAC10.9 and Win8.1 English OS Build: 0.34.0-10631(Mac) and 0.34.0-10534 (Win)

Snapshots: Please refer to snapshots for details: allow two build

redmunds commented 10 years ago

@julieyuan I fixed it so the latest version downloaded from github and installed by Extension Manager are now the same. You can still manually install multiple versions of an extension, that;s a fact of life. Closing.