adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
112 stars 52 forks source link

[Core][Installation]: Cannot install Phonegap extension by URL successfully. #61

Closed julieyuan closed 6 years ago

julieyuan commented 10 years ago


  1. Launch Brackets.
  2. Click Extension Manager icon to bring up Extension Manager dialog.
  3. Click tab Installed, then click Install from URL and input into bar:
  4. Then click button install.

Result: The installation failed and it says SyntaxError.

Expected: It should install phonegap extension successfully.

Notes: phonegap extension can be installed by inputing the folder into user extension folder.

ENV: MAC 10.9 and Win7 (x64) English OS Build: 0.35.0-10746

Snapshots: Please refer to snapshot for details: capture decran 2013-11-25 a 10 56 40 pm

aklen commented 10 years ago

Same error on: ENV: Windows 8.1 x64 Build: 0.35.0-10897

redmunds commented 10 years ago

@julieyuan This should be fixed now.

filmaj commented 6 years ago

Sorry, this project has not been maintained since 2014. As a result, we will archive the project. If anyone feels like reviving it, feel free to fork it!