adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
112 stars 52 forks source link

Installation failure #65

Closed akjoshi closed 10 years ago

akjoshi commented 10 years ago

I cannot get this installed in Brackets - tried both options -a) Install from URL b) downloaded a zip file and placed in www/extensions/user/ directory.

redmunds commented 10 years ago

Try using Help > Show Extensions Folder then install there.

peey commented 10 years ago

The problem mentioned is reproducible. This extension is working correctly in Sprint 30, but not in Sprint 35. None of the methods (url,zip file or inbuilt extension installer) work.

peterflynn commented 10 years ago

@peey What happens when you place the zip file in the extensions/user folder manually? When you restart Brackets, does the PhoneGap icon appear in the right-hand toolbar?

If not, could you go to Help > Show Developer Tools, then select the Console view, and reply back with any errors that are listed there?

peterflynn commented 10 years ago

@peey Also, when you download and install the ZIP manually, make sure:

  1. You're downloading the same version that's in the registry -- use this URL:
  2. You unzip it and place the "brackets-phonegap-master" directly in the "user" folder -- so that the path "...extensions/user/brackets-phonegap-master/package.json" is valid. (That is, make sure there aren't extra levels of nesting left over from the unzipping process).
peterflynn commented 10 years ago

Oh, figured it out: this broke because of the minification. The extension is doing things like require("widgets/bootstrap-alerts.js") to load modules directly out of the Brackets source tree, without going through brackets.getModule(). Apparently this works when the full src structure is present (earlier sprints, or in a dev environment). (I have no idea why it would work, though. I thought extensions run in a Require context where the Require root is set to the root of the extension... it seems to be falling back to the Brackets core root in this case. Aside: @dangoor does that make any sense to you?).

Anyway, it definitely doesn't work in the new world where src is minified... and it wasn't supposed to work before, either :-)

@tpryan Do you have any cycles to look at this? I think you may need to ship a copy of these modules in the PG plugin itself. Because the modules you need aren't used by Brackets core at all, I think they're going to be totally absent from the minified builds.

dangoor commented 10 years ago

@peterflynn Yeah, the extension loading configuration sets the baseUrl to the extension. It doesn't seem like it should be somehow finding something elsewhere in the Brackets source tree.

akjoshi commented 10 years ago

Thanks everyone for investigating further on this issue. Just wondering if there's any fix or workarounds.

cfjedimaster commented 10 years ago

I forked it, grabbed the JS files from Bootstrap (my assumption based on the age of this extension was that I should use 2.X) and it now loads w/o error. I haven't tried actually using it (outside of opening the panel), but it loads.

peey commented 10 years ago

Has this been fixed yet?

cfjedimaster commented 10 years ago

I think so - did you check the Extension Manager?

redmunds commented 10 years ago

No, the Extension Manager still has version 0.1.0 since the person that posted the extension has not updated the Registry. We are working on implementing an admin panel, so it shouldn't be much longer, but you'll still need to manually install this extensions for now.

peey commented 10 years ago

It's working now, if I install manually (from github url)

redmunds commented 10 years ago

Fixed. Closing.