adobe / brackets-phonegap

A brackets extension for PhoneGap development.
112 stars 52 forks source link

Incorrect behave for sending files when there are files under editing #9

Closed Zhuyun closed 6 years ago

Zhuyun commented 11 years ago
  1. Launch Brackets
  2. Login PhoneGap in Brackets
  3. Link with PhoneGap sample project
  4. Open a folder with some files in Brackets
  5. Open and modify some files in the folder
  6. Leave those files under editing
  7. Click PhoneGap > Send Files to PhoneGap Build
  8. Files sent to back end and finish rebuild without any warning message for the not saving files

Expected: there should be some messages to notice user to save before sending or sending without saving

Env: MacOS X 10.6/7/8 and Windows 7/8 Lang: English Build: 3797 with latest phonegap package

filmaj commented 6 years ago

Sorry, this project has not been maintained since 2014. As a result, we will archive the project. If anyone feels like reviving it, feel free to fork it!