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Brackets blanked out #10718

Open cfjedimaster opened 9 years ago

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

While working on an Ionic app this morning, my Brackets window went completely blank:


I can't open the dev tools to see what went wrong.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

No menu option works - reload or quit even.

redmunds commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster Clearing your cache folder should get you going again.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I ended up killing Brackets and restarting it. Are you saying that would have worked while it was running?

redmunds commented 9 years ago

No, you need to shutdown Brackets first, clear caches, and then restart Brackets.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ah - well it didn't return. Not yet anyway. :)

On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Randy Edmunds wrote:

No, you need to shutdown Brackets first, clear caches, and then restart Brackets.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

redmunds commented 9 years ago

That article explains deleting the Brackets/cefdata folder. I think the culprit is the state.json file in the Brackets folder. If deleting that file doesn't fix it, try deleting entire Brackets folder.

peterflynn commented 9 years ago

@redmunds This looks like a full native crash, so I'm not as hopeful that clearing prefs would help.

Ionic has been implicated in several JS Code Hints out-of-memory crashes in the past. Those should be much harder to hit with the Tern timeout guard we have now... but that'd be my guess as to the cause.

@cfjedimaster Are you able to share the source for the project you had open when this happened? Also, do you remember what file you had open and approximately where in the file you were working?

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I am - this isn't 100% the same as I modified it a bit while finishing the project, but it was about 80% done when the blank occurred.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 2:41 AM, Peter Flynn wrote:

@redmunds This looks like a full native crash, so I'm not as hopeful that clearing prefs would help.

Ionic has been implicated in several JS Code Hints out-of-memory crashes in the past. Those should be much harder to hit with the Tern timeout guard we have now... but that'd be my guess as to the cause.

@cfjedimaster Are you able to share the source for the project you had open when this happened? Also, do you remember what file you had open and approximately where in the file you were working?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

nethip commented 9 years ago

@peterflynn By full native crash you mean render process crash right?. Because it looks like it is a render process crash/hang.

@cfjedimaster Have you installed any extensions? If yes, you could uninstall them and see if you are still seeing the issue. If you have already followed @redmunds 's suggestion of deleting the Brackets folder, ignore this step.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I haven't seen this again since the original report.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Prashanth Nethi wrote:

@peterflynn By full native crash you mean render process crash right?. Because it looks like it is a render process crash/hang.

@cfjedimaster Have you installed any extensions? If yes, you could uninstall them and see if you are still seeing the issue. If you have already followed @redmunds 's suggestion of deleting the Brackets folder, ignore this step.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

prksingh commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster I think you may have moved the folder (from the link). Can you provide a new link? Also what version of Mac OS are you using?

I will try to reproduce the issue if I can and close it if I can't.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Here ya go:

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Holy smokes - I see it again. OSX Yosemite.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok, killed Brackets, cleared cache, and restarted. Once again it was an Ionic/Angular app (this time under MobileFirst).

prksingh commented 9 years ago

@nethip is on Yosemite. @nethip Can you try reproducing this?

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Well, it happened to me again - and this time I lost work (well, maybe 3 lines ;). It was an Ionic app. About 5 minutes earlier, I got the message I normally get about... inferance I think? Yeah I spelled that wrong but I forget the exact error. I tend to get it with Ionic/Angular apps.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I don't think I've ever seen this with Brackets before. It must be something unique to this version?

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok, the issue I mentioned earlier is "JavaScript File Inference Problem". The file seems random. This time it is ionic-angular.js - but last time it was another Ionic file.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

And yet another pop up for JS File Inference, angular-ui-router.min.js. I have to say, even if Brackets wasn't "blanking out", this would be annoying.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

And another one - now my controllers file. Sorry to fill this bug with these notes, but, I figure if they are annoying me and possibly related to the issue it makes sense to log them.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Wow, not only one, but two. I was away from Brackets for about 5 minutes and two cropped up.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

And it is gone again. I'm going to have to stop using Brackets until I can get this fixed.

nethip commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster Sorry that you are not able to use Brackets because of these crashes. I know @peterflynn has suggested above that this might not be related to code hints. But just to rule out any possibility could you give it another try be disabling JS code hint and see if you are still seeing these issues? Link to work with preferences in Brackets is .

codehint.JSHints is the preference that needs to be set to false to disable java script code hints.

Really sorry to having to deal with this.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I've added it. Literally within the first five seconds of opening Brackets I got an inference error. :\

I've added the pref and reloaded. To be clear, I assume we agree this is not a fix. I should be able to use an Angular project w/o Brackets constantly throwing alerts about this. I never had this, or the 'blank out' problem before so something seems seriously wrong with this recent build.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Prashanth Nethi wrote:

@cfjedimaster Sorry that you are not able to use Brackets because of these crashes. I know @peterflynn has suggested above that this might not be related to code hints. But just to rule out any possibility could you give it another try be disabling JS code hint and see if you are still seeing these issues? Link to work with preferences in Brackets is .

codehint.JSHints is the preference that needs to be set to false to disable java script code hints.

Really sorry to having to deal with this.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Btw, I assume me providing updates is useful - if not - tell me. So - back to my Angular project - and about 10 minutes in - I get another Inference error. I cannot stress how annoying those errors are. Is there a way to tell Brackets to not try to parse *.min.js files?

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I spoke too soon. The error says the file to edit. Does jscodehints.detectedExclusions support regex? Can I do *.min.js? Can i set this in my global preferences?

nethip commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster Sure! These updates are definently helpful in trying to understand the problem. Disabling the JS code hint part was just to isolate the issue so that we know if this is the module that is causing the error and if we have to work on that module alone to attack this issue. Just so that we are on the same page, are you getting these inference error messages after disabling code hints?

ryanstewart commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster you should be able to - - but I haven't tried it.

Let us know if this fixes the problem. We may want to add some iconic files to the automatically excluded list.

ryanstewart commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster this might also help -

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Yes, even with code hinting disabled, I get inference errors. I have not, however, gotten the blank screen issue.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 1:32 AM, Prashanth Nethi wrote:

@cfjedimaster Sure! These updates are definently helpful in trying to understand the problem. Disabling the JS code hint part was just to isolate the issue so that we know if this is the module that is causing the error and if we have to work on that module alone to attack this issue. Just so that we are on the same page, are you getting these inference error messages after disabling code hints?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ryan, it appears as if this is project only, which means I'd need to add a block for *.min.js in every project (or every Angular project). Is that right?

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Ryan Stewart wrote:

@cfjedimaster you should be able to -

  • but I haven't tried it.

Let us know if this fixes the problem. We may want to add some iconic files to the automatically excluded list.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

ryanstewart commented 9 years ago

@peterflynn would it make sense just to add any .min.js file to the file inference exemption list?

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

To add to the data - I can leave my 'bad' project and return, and within 30 seconds i get a new inference error. It is no longer updating brackets.json with the files even though it says it is.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Ryan Stewart wrote:

@peterflynn would it make sense just to add any .min.js file to the file inference exemption list?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Screen shot of last comment:



marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

Apparently, codehint.JSHints doesn't disable JS Hints thoroughly enough. There's only one occurence of that preference, so that other handlers like getHints are still being called (if I got that right). I know that's not the main target, but it may be easier for now rather than trying to find the real culprit.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok guys, it happened again. If you have something else I can do to debug, I will, but outside of that - I can't use Brackets anymore. Really disappointed about this.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

What probably helps is moving the entire JavaScriptCodeHints folder out of www/src/extensions/default in the Brackets install folder.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I moved it out. Will give Brackets another shot.

Has anyone else been able to replicate this yet?

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Marcel Gerber wrote:

What probably helps is moving the entire JavaScriptCodeHints folder out of www/src/extensions/default in the Brackets install folder.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster i get it quite a bit if I dont have my node_modules folder excluded from Brackets. You cn use this or this. And I also run ternific for my JS code hinting.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Ok, but I can't imagine I need an extension to make Brackets not crash with an Angular/Ionic app. I'd have to imagine this is hitting a lot of folks will run into this, right?

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Miguel Castillo wrote:

@cfjedimaster i get it quite a bit if I dont have my node_modules folder excluded from Brackets. You cn use this or this And I also run ternific for my JS code hinting.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster in my particular case, i have problems when my node_modules is really dense. there is no native way to completely exclude folders from all processing, so I depend on an extension. I am not sure if that's the same case for you.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@cfjedimaster I am not the only one that has this problem unless they exclude node_modules. A couple of folks I work with also have to exclude node_modules, or brackets crashes somewhat regularly.

leedorian commented 9 years ago

Same problem here on lots of javascripts, make brackets crash.

equinox commented 9 years ago

My Angular project just really lags the editor before it gives me a message saying that there's too many files and that the excess will be excluded. After that, it's fine. I was using this to exclude bower and node_modules but for the current release branch of 1.3 it is giving me problems, so it isn't a long-term fix.

siirila commented 9 years ago

I have been seeing behavior that looks to be the same or similar to this issue in an Ionic project that I am working on. Brackets seems to be crashing pretty randomly, and giving "JavaScript File Inference Problem' errors. So far all of the errors have been for files in folders under plugins/cordova-plugin-device/

I'm trying out the suggestion of using an extension to exclude my node_modules folder, but I would prefer to not have to do that just to use Brackets with Ionic and/or Cordova.

nethip commented 9 years ago

@siirila You might want to up-vote this trello card that might fix some of the issues by doing file exclusions.

siirila commented 9 years ago

Even after excluding the node_modules folder I am still seeing this problem that is eventually causing Brackets to crash. It is also now showing inference problems in files outside of the cordova files, so I don't think it is tied to that behavior at all.

It looks like I won't be able to use Brackets for development, at least of Ionic apps, until this issue is resolved.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I'm in the same boat. As most of my work lately is Ionic/Cordova, I've had to stop using Brackets. I want to return of course. :)

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 11:00 AM, siirila wrote:

Even after excluding the node_modules folder I am still seeing this problem that is eventually causing Brackets to crash. It is also now showing inference problems in files outside of the cordova files, so I don't think it is tied to that behavior at all.

It looks like I won't be able to use Brackets for development, at least of Ionic apps, until this issue is resolved.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Raymond Camden, Developer Advocate for MobileFirst at IBM

Email : Blog : Twitter: raymondcamden

leedorian commented 9 years ago

Updated to 1.3, but it said brackets is a light weight editor, do not use it on "large project" It's just a replacement of notepad? Can not and will not use it in a short time.

nethip commented 9 years ago

@leedorian Sorry about not being able to work on large projects inside Brackets. Brackets is a light weight code editor and we strive hard to keep it that way. Supporting large projects is only going slow down Brackets. May I ask, how big is your project (no of files, node_modules e.t.c.), that you are currently working on?

We do disable some features like code hinting/find in files, while working with large projects. Could you tell us, disabling which of the features, because of the large nature of the project, is stopping you from using Brackets?

@leedorian @cfjedimaster Please up-vote this trello card that could help us prioritize this issue. Thanks!