adobe / brackets

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Brackets Freezes on Large Projects #12192

Open lbassuncao opened 8 years ago

lbassuncao commented 8 years ago

Since the version 1.5, Brackets become useless. I just can't open libraries like Laravel or Lumen on it, because it freezes indefinitely and then I have to kill the process to stop it. I was searching for a solution, and I couldn't find any solution for this problem.

I am using Ubuntu 15.10 with Gnome 3.


petetnt commented 8 years ago

Try excluding some of the heavier folders (third party folders, temporary folders...) out with an extension such as After the largest culprits are gone, you should be able to use Brackets normally.

directrix1 commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to still use Brackets on projects with large number of files? It sure would be nice to not have to use a totally different interface to view the source of some library I'm using. Is there a way to turn off, whatever it is doing for the whole project, or just mark some folders as vendor folders so it won't scan them?

petetnt commented 8 years ago

Sadly I don't think there's an easy way currently but I totally feel your pain. I have an plan outlined for vastly improved blackboxing thirdparty and other similar folders here: but I most likely don't have time to work on it until early March (and no-one else has chosen to champion it yet AFAIK)

There's an PR involving changing the file watcher to third party lib instead of using the native node implementation in (#12190) that might or might not improve the situation. It's worth trying through.

lbassuncao commented 8 years ago

petetnt, I have tried the plugin you suggest, but it didn't solve the problem. This a rather curious problem... In version 1.4 everything works smoothly, but not on the recent versions 1.5+. Why is that?

petetnt commented 8 years ago

@assunluis80 Can you post your Health Report here (Help -> Health Report)

swim commented 8 years ago

Having the same issue as OP describes. Outside of an internal file black/white list the indexing brackets does seems to be super slow.

K-Thompson commented 8 years ago

@assunluis80 i'm wondering if you also have problem with code hints and completion? I do (see #11570). I can't prove it, but I also feel that the issue I'm having is related to the size of the project.

lbassuncao commented 8 years ago

@K-Thompson, Yes, I do. I am having all kind of problems with the new versions.

abose commented 8 years ago

Tye to add the preference "findInFiles.nodeSearch": false, in debug>open preferences file and see if the issue still exisits. I am guessing the problem is with codehints though.

lbassuncao commented 8 years ago

petetnt here is the help report:

{ "uuid": "aecf56d4-299f-4db9-89ad-d52105e3b417", "snapshotTime": 1456309083983, "os": "linux", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.80 Safari/537.36", "osLanguage": "en", "bracketsLanguage": "en-gb", "bracketsVersion": "1.6.0-16680", "fileStats": { "openedFileExt": { "csslintrc": 1, "css": 10, "js": 134, "less": 18, "html": 23, "php": 16, "ico": 1, "jshintrc": 26 }, "workingSetFileExt": { "js": 33, "less": 8, "css": 2, "html": 6, "php": 5, "jshintrc": 4 } }, "ProjectDetails": { "prj1068132899": { "numFiles": 107, "cacheSize": 2177399 }, "prj54042242": { "numFiles": 6088, "cacheSize": 30157782 }, "prj94539993": { "numFiles": 6169, "cacheSize": 30611634 } }, "projectLoadTimes": ":0", "fileOpenTimes": ":0", "ModuleDepsResolved": 426, "AppStartupTime": 427, "prefNodeSearchDisabled": false, "prefInstantSearchDisabled": false, "installedExtensions": [ { "name": "stripper-theme", "version": "0.1.1" }, { "name": "brackets-ubuntu", "version": "0.9.1" }, { "name": "lintyai", "version": "1.2.0" }, { "name": "camden.csslint", "version": "2.0.21" }, { "name": "brackets-file-tree-exclude", "version": "1.0.4" }, { "name": "camden.jshint", "version": "2.2.18" }, { "name": "brackets-emmet", "version": "1.2.2" }, { "name": "brackets-beautify", "version": "1.2.0" }, { "name": "brackets-code-folding", "version": "0.3.5" } ], "bracketsTheme": "stripper-theme" }

petetnt commented 8 years ago

@assunluis80 Both prj54042242 and "prj94539993 seem to contain massive amounts of files (over 6000). Can you share what kinds of files does the project consist of?

lbassuncao commented 8 years ago

Its the Laravel framework (

alexeyoganezov commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem on Node.js/Sails.js apps

Can you share what kinds of files does the project consist of?

There is a large number of files inside "node_modules" folder in my case

petetnt commented 8 years ago

@assunluis80 I haven't done PHP development but make sure you ignore folder that contains laravel and other third party items when using the extension. If you have installed it with Composer I think the folder you should ignore vendor/?

For @ivan1810 that above extension should work out of the box.

lbassuncao commented 8 years ago

Excluding the folder "vendor" on plugin is helping... But I still don't have code hints and completion. :(

guillecro commented 8 years ago

I will put emphasis on this. Same happened to me, after using now it works but nowadays projects with large dependencies are very common..

TamerHussien commented 7 years ago

i tried it in other way i moved the poject files from its location because when i open brackets it gets freeze immediately then open brackets and install from extension manager with the instructions and the open the project again from the new location it works with me