adobe / brackets

An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
MIT License
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Brackets being very very slow suddenly #14515

Open larrby opened 6 years ago

larrby commented 6 years ago

I started using Brackets today and it was very very slow. It takes a couple of seconds when clicking at places and writing things for it to respond. I have 150 lines of code in my file, and the lag seems to get better when removing code; in a .js file with only a few lines of code there doesn't seem to be any lag at all. The lag persists in html, css and js files.

I've tried loading without extensions, following this to clear the cache, uninstalling, rebooting and reinstalling a number of times, installing an old version 1.8, installing the newest version, running as administrator, none seem to work. I'm using Windows 10 64 bit.

Nothing really changed between yesterday when there were no issues and today except I opened up LightTable once after a long time of not using it.

rensvandewiel commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue. Been working normally today. Then Windows 10 did a small update for me later in the afternoon. And now when I use Brackets there is a lot of lag while scrolling / typing. I hit around 60% CPU usage on an 3GHz i7. It might have to do with a .NET update. But I'm not sure.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Ditto here. I thought maybe it was JSHint, but I just disabled that and there's no difference. The size of the file involved doesn't make it come back to 'live' status any more quickly, and it even happens when resuming focus after inspecting a different app window. It hangs on my 18-line brackets.json file.

Here's the health report data:

        "snapshotTime": 1534430723441,
        "os": "win",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Brackets/ Chrome/49.0.2623.110 Safari/537.36",
        "osLanguage": "en-US",
        "bracketsLanguage": "en-US",
        "bracketsVersion": "1.13.0-17696",
        "ProjectDetails": {
            "prj1200248426": {
                "numFiles": 1100,
                "cacheSize": 50186701
        "fileStats": {
            "openedFileExt": {
                "json": 4
            "workingSetFileExt": {},
            "openedFileEncoding": {
                "UTF-8": 4
        "projectLoadTimes": ":144",
        "fileOpenTimes": ":341:471",
        "ModuleDepsResolved": 586302,
        "AppStartupTime": 587258,
        "prefNodeSearchDisabled": false,
        "prefInstantSearchDisabled": false,
        "installedExtensions": [
                "name": "camden.jshint",
                "version": "2.2.20"
                "name": "vscode-dark",
                "version": "0.9.1"
                "name": "insya.newdocument",
                "version": "0.0.4"
        "bracketsTheme": "vscode-dark",
        "uuid": "7fdb-b63c-b6a1-9e42-d0a7",
        "olderuuid": "7fdb-b63c-b6a1-9e42-d0a7"
        "project": "brackets-service",
        "environment": "production",
        "time": "2018-08-16T14:45:24.170Z",
        "ingesttype": "dunamis",
        "data": {
            "event.guid": "85c5ae13-aa11-4537-b4d8-b91c5a65183b",
            "event.user_guid": "7fdb-b63c-b6a1-9e42-d0a7",
            "event.dts_end": "2018-08-16T14:45:24.170Z",
            "event.category": "pingData",
            "event.subcategory": "",
            "event.type": "",
            "event.subtype": "",
            "event.user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Brackets/ Chrome/49.0.2623.110 Safari/537.36",
            "event.language": "en-US",
            "": "1.13.0-17696",
            "source.platform": "win",
            "source.version": "1.13.0-17696"
jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Tried this:

No change.

Rain64 commented 6 years ago

Yeah, the scrolling speed is super slow, this is pretty annoying...

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

If I focus on another window and come back, it delays the registration of my even closing the window. I'm trying to get onto the Slack channel to see if I can get some feedback.

larrby commented 6 years ago

I had no issues on my Windows 10 64bit tablet, then I installed all the latest Windows updates and now have slight lag or choppiness with Brackets. It's tolerable but not quite as fast as before.

XavierCrespin commented 6 years ago

I can confirm this too, the latest windows update kb4343909 crippled brackets on all my machines, i had to roll back to another text editor in order to continue my projects, it's unusable. Disabling all extensions has no effect on the performance issue. Every click, scroll, type has a 1-2 seconds lag.

rensvandewiel commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I can with most certainty say it's the latest Windows 10 update...

Well, in hindsight, it made me push myself to finally setup Sublime properly, and my own localhost setup. I can actually work a lot faster now. Though Sublime does not have the JavaScript IDE depth as Brackets, it definitely is a smooth coding experience after installing a few packages.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

My personal machine doesn't seem to have the issue. Perhaps it's a difference between Win 10 Pro and Win 10 home patching. In the meantime I'm just limping along with VS Code. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

aga87 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have the same issue - any editing to my html file is very slow, there is a few seconds lag when typing and deleting. I am new to coding and was just getting familiar and comfortable with Brackets, when I discovered this issue yesterday. I have very few extensions installed and working on my first projects, so my working files are very simple and short. The editor seemed to be working much quicker though last time I used it (max a few weeks ago). I see some users suggesting here that it has to do with Windows 10 update - I have Windows 10 Pro and still experiencing the issue. Any idea as to when we can expect to get it solved? Is there anything on my end I can do to fix it? Or should i be looking for a new code editor meanwhile? Thanks

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

They'll get it fixed eventually--Brackets is a decent product and stuff like this happens from time to time on cutting-edge software. VSCode is the go-to for me right now. It doesn't have the close relationship to Chrome that Brackets has, but it has all the features you'd want and it works as a pretty decent development and debugging environment for Electron apps as well.

XavierCrespin commented 6 years ago

Or should i be looking for a new code editor meanwhile?

You probably should, although this is a major issue that renders the software unusable, it seems it has not caught any attention from the devs yet. If you're just looking for a simple text editor in the meanwhile with syntax coloring, may i suggest notepad++ ?

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Notepad++ is good, Bowpad is good (although not very well known), Sublime Text is good (but not free). Boxer ( is also good--but again, not free.

I still haven't figured out how to get into the Brackets slack channel to bring some attention to the speed issue.

samthill commented 6 years ago

Experiencing the same, and kind of relieved to see others are too, in the hope that this will get fixed soon. I've been pushing on with it, but will have to switch today as it's slowing development down too much.

silentcolours commented 6 years ago

I can 100% confirm it is the most recent Windows Update causing this problem for me. (August 14, 2018—KB4343909 (OS Build 17134.228)

I rolled back the update (uninstalled it) and brackets runs perfectly smooth again. (As well as a few other OS glitches and blue screens have now ceased.)

navch commented 6 years ago

@silentcolours I am on the same version of windows but I am not seeing any slowness. Can we debug this issue on some machine where this is easily reproable?

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Pro or Home? I have the issue on Pro but not on Home. I also don't seem to have KB4343909 applied--looked for it with DISM and systeminfo. Nothing came up. There may be more than one trigger for the behavior.

silentcolours commented 6 years ago

@navch I am happy help. but i will need to be guided step by step through any processes you may need to debug. (im not very savy)

@jbmonroe Home Edition. You may have done this already - but "Settings/Windows Update/View Update History" Is where i found and uninstalled it.

I am going to reinstall it and see if the problem returns..


Reinstalled the update (KB4343909) and restarted. And the lag is immediately back. Brackets is the only things running on the laptop and i have a .html .css .js .scss files open. None of them have more than 90lines of code in them.

Super smooth before the update. Super laggy after.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

@silentcolours On Windows Home I have KB4343909 installed and don't have the problem. At work I don't have KB4343909 installed and do have the problem. All I get from that is that KB4343909 can be a contributing factor, but maybe not the only one.

larrby commented 6 years ago

I uninstalled the KB4343909 security update and Brackets works perfectly.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

We should compare extensions and plugins.

Home machine (no symptoms)

I'll have to wait until I can get onto the work laptop to get its list, but it wouldn't differ widely because I don't use a lot of extensions with Brackets normally.

KBROU commented 6 years ago

I uninstalled Windows 10 Security update (KB4343909) and it seems to be working now. Path: Settings/Windows Update/View Update History

XavierCrespin commented 6 years ago

I apologize for being straightforward, but removing a security update should not be considered as an acceptable workaround, any news on the advancement ?

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

My work machine has the same two active extensions, and replaces the two themes with VSCode Dark only.

@XavierCrespin You won't see any movement until this changes:

Assignees No one assigned Labels None yet Projects None yet Milestone No milestone

Right now I don't think this is at the forefront of their attention. I still haven't gotten an invite to the Slack channel despite two requests.

XavierCrespin commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jbmonroe , hadn't noticed. The problem occurs regardless of extensions too.

navch commented 6 years ago

Thanks @silentcolours for helping on this. We can connect on BlueJeans. Please send a personal message on brackets slack workspace. Is that fine?

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Good to know @XavierCrespin -- that's one of the "usual suspects" eliminated. There was a long-ago issue with JSHint slowing down Brackets, so I thought it might be wise to take those out of the equation.

CarlosBercero commented 6 years ago

Maybe Brackets is secretly trying to exploit the vulnerability this security update addresses... just saying...

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

I will not get distracted by explaining that Adobe wouldn't want to fend off a lawsuit that big. I will not get distracted by explaining that Adobe wouldn't want to fend off a lawsuit that big. I will not get distracted by explaining that Adobe wouldn't want to fend off a lawsuit that big.

CarlosBercero commented 6 years ago

Agree. Just joking around to see if this draw their attention and fix this problem.

BTW, removing that Windows update indeed fixed the problem, and also improved overall performance on my computer, and I'm using Home Edition.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

I can't take it off of this laptop--I think the company has rules about that--so that's not a solution. My Win10 Home machine doesn't have the issue even with the KB installed. (Now, that Explorer thing where it gloms half a gig of RAM while idle? THAT I've got.) My experience in terms of the presumed catalysts is different--but the issue still remains. Le sigh.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

I got onto the Slack channel. Here goes nothin'.

KBROU commented 6 years ago

@jbmonroe any luck getting this fixed? My computer auto downloaded the security update again last night, back to being slow.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to get someone to ack the issue on Slack, but it's a holiday weekend in the US so certain responses are probably delayed. I can't debug it on the machine I'm using, because the slowdown doesn't occur on this machine even though I have that KB installed; for ethical reasons I can't debug it on the company laptop where the slowdown does occur.

And as of 1330 EDT US, there are no replies to my query on Slack.

Rigo-Villalta commented 6 years ago

I confirm the same in my Laptop and I only have Beautify extension installed. As someone said, uninstall a security update is not acceptable.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

There was a note on Slack last night that someone resolved an issue in 1.13 by removing an extension--but nothing about what extension and what specific issue was resolved. I'm awaiting an answer to my query regarding the note.

Andrew-Snell commented 6 years ago

Hi jbmonroe

Please list your extensions that you have installed within brackets 1.13, these are not your default extensions that was installed with brackets.

Andrew-Snell commented 6 years ago

Hi jbmonroe

I have listed my extensions below, I have disabled these extensions,

1.Beautify. 2.Display Shortcuts. 3.Extensions Rating. 4.HTML Boilerplate.

The following extensions are enabled,

1.Brackets Icons. 2.Monokai Theme. 3.TypeScript.

What type of anti-virus are you running ?, are you running Malwarebytes ?.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Hi @Andrew-Snell

My extensions are listed in a post 11 days back, but in general, I'm not running anything you're running or have deleted. I run MalwareBytes on the home machine where the problem does not occur; the laptop from work runs a raft of McAfee data protection tools which I can't detail or disable.

These run on the work laptop:

Taking JSHint out doesn't resolve the issue.

I've noticed that there's a "frame shift" when I restore focus to Brackets. The rendering shortens the window, then extends it again. That makes it seem like a rendering defect, but as I stated earlier, it's nothing I can debug on the laptop on which the problem occurs.

It takes 20-30 seconds to close the window when using the [x], complete with the rendering "glitch." That's just weird.

Andrew-Snell commented 6 years ago

Hi @jbmonroe

I had an issue when I first installed brackets two months ago, to cut a long story short, it's was anti-virus causing brackets not to start up and run very slow. I added brackets.exe and node.exe to my anti-virus trusted applications and problem sorted, ask your IT department at work to assist you in this matter.

Regards Andrew

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Then there must be something unique about Brackets, because my own Electron-based solutions don't have the issue, and neither does VSCode. (I'm in no way denying that there's something unique about Brackets--it just makes this harder to sort out.)

Andrew-Snell commented 6 years ago

Hi @jbmonroe

I think the anti-virus sees brackets not as a text editor but as a browser or a webpage, Brackets mostly made up of html5, css3 and javascript.

Something to think about.

Regards Andrew

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

Yes, but two counter-thoughts: VS Code is not struggling, and it looks fundamentally the same as Brackets. Likewise, my app, a highly-controlled browser for self-service applications, is likewise unaffected. Whatever the issue is, it manifests only in Brackets--and not consistently across the machines on which I have Brackets installed. That's difficult for me to reconcile without more particulars...and perhaps some insight from the dev team.

navch commented 6 years ago

@jbmonroe Do you have Dev setup of brackets? Can you profile the workflow? After reading these comments, It looks like Brackets-shell is the culprit. I am not seeing this issue I can't profile or help.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

@navch I have the dev setup on the computer that doesn't have the issue, and I can't ethically expend effort debugging it on the corporate laptop which does have the issue. It's a bit awkward that way.

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

@navch @Andrew-Snell I couldn't get our help desk to put an exception on the Brackets folder, but I did get a reminder that certain folders have auto-exceptions built into the configuration, and my development folder didn't have one of the magic names. Once I renamed my development folder to use a magic name, Brackets behaves as expected.

That still doesn't provide a "bulk" explanation of why VS Code and my airport web shell weren't affected, but that's probably down in the little greebly details. For right now, it's all good.

For policy reasons I can't tell you which solution the corp employs, and I'll bet Andrew can't necessarily reveal his situation either. It would be interesting to compare notes in private.

I'll drop a short message on the Slack channel once I'm done for the day indicating what I've seen today.

de-Generation commented 6 years ago

@Andrew-Snell It seems the conflict is related to node.exe process. I have no third-party antivirus software. I added an exclusion for node.exe to Windows Defender antivirus settings but It didn't solve the problem.

my project doesn't depend on NodeJS, so as a temporary workaround I just renamed node.exe (e.g. node.e3xe) to prevent it from being started with Brackets application.

everything works fine since then =)

jbmonroe commented 6 years ago

The thing that bugs me is the great inconsistency of it all. Slack's not affected. VS Code's not affected. My Electron project's not affected. Since Node is common to all of those as well, why aren't they affected? More to the point, why does it clear up when dropping AV scanning on a folder that's just data as far as Brackets is concerned?

larrby commented 6 years ago

I renamed node.exe and rebooted and Brackets is still slow.

Andrew-Snell commented 6 years ago

Hi @larrby @de-Generation @jbmonroe

Another work around is to disable DebugCommand default extension in brackets, this extension relies on node.exe. Please enable node in brackets and paste you console output in a post below, let's compare outputs.

I have listed my console output below,

Less has finished and no sheets were loaded. /command/KeyBindingManager.js:578 Failed to normalize Cmd-Shift-] /command/KeyBindingManager.js:578 Failed to normalize Cmd-Shift-[ /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:84 NodeSocketTransport - start /utils/NodeDomain.js:144 [NodeDomain] Error loading domain "zaggino.brackets-typescript": timeout(anonymous function) @ /utils/NodeDomain.js:144 /extensibility/Package.js:579 [Extensions] Failed to connect to node Arguments[1](anonymous function) @ /extensibility/Package.js:579 /utils/NodeDomain.js:144 [NodeDomain] Error loading domain "AutoUpdate": timeout(anonymous function) @ /utils/NodeDomain.js:144 main.js:589 AutoUpdate : node domain could not be initialized.(anonymous function) @ main.js:589

Just opened opened brackets, launched first time with no issues, a little slower than normal but it's working.

Regards Andrew